Can I ask you a question?

What would actually need to be in place, for you to have the things you've been waiting for, finally just click in?

When you think about the stuff you're still holding at arms length, pushing away, making 'not for you', or 'not yet', what do you ACTUALLY think is needed, for this to happen?

And have you stopped to consider what WOULD happen if you just decided - 

this is done now.

I don't care how.

I don't NEED to figure out how. I'm just going to DECIDE that it gets to be, and then?


Have you?

You will get what you're available for, and life will meet you EXACTLY where you demand it to.

You wanna push the story that there are reasons that could POSSIBLY be valid as to why you haven't, 

that something else needs to be in place first,

you gotta get the right resources, or support, or breaks, or hop up to the right 'level',x



Right now, so much more is available to you than what you could even CONSIDER.

Right now, the things you see inside of you can already be brought to life.

Right now, there is for you to not just DECIDE.

Decide that this is how it's going to be now.
Decide that this is what you CHOOSE now.
Decide to draw the damn line in the sand,
plant the flag,
BECOME every bit of what you've been waiting to be,

I know your fear mind wants to convince you that it can't be that easy.

That the things you want are 'legitimately' so far away still.

Or that there's shit you HAVE to deal with first.

But -

go deeper than that.

If you feel into that deepest you place, that soul place, that flow place, that YOU place,

you know:

It's already available.
I could be revving this shit up like a MOTHERFUCKER.
My excuses are NOT valid.
And if I don't have what I want yet, it feels messy, convoluted, and as though there's SO much to deal with first,


I haven't made myself unavailable NOT to.

And my 'way of living' is to continue each day to re-create the SAME day, by rolling on forward in my life with basically the same repeated set of beliefs, ideals, expectations, behaviours, and thus (#shockingnotshocking) OUTCOMES.

It's time to stop the train baby.
And create a new way of doing things.

A YOU way of doing things.

A YES way of doing things.
A way in which you can consistently expect and indeed DEPEND upon dream biz and life results showing up,

glowing up,





Here is the thing:

either way, you're going to keep moving forward in your life.

You're on a train,

it's leading to certain destinations,


So if you want to get to different places,

and even have the whole experience along the WAY change,

well -

you have to change.

And it has to be now.

Which is why?

Dream Life Creation with Katrina Ruth!
30 Days to Get Your Dream Biz and Life Shit Together, DECIDE the Outcomes You've Been Waiting to Create, and See Massive Results NOW ... All By Saying Yes to What You Already.Freaking.Know, and Drawing the Line Only Where You Want it To Be!
  • DAILY content - video, audio, workbook and worksheet, journaling prompts and exercises, behind the scenes insights into and overviews of Kat's favourite and most often used personal templates, tools and resources for CONTINUALLY calling in and claiming her 'next level', on repeat!
  • ​DAILY 'Rules of Success' process, template, resource or tool from Katrina Ruth
  • ​DAILY journal prompts directly from Kat's journal - the exact inner work, guidance, activation Kat and her highest level clients use to create their dream life on repeat!
  • ​LIFETIME access to all content
  • ​Brand new live course with Katrina Ruth and the #KatNinjas!
  • ​​GAME-CHANGING bonuses yours right away today to get started with when you claim your place now! Bonus details below!
How It's Going Down and Why I Created This For You!
I want to do the exact work with you that I myself do on repeat,

day in and day out,

to continually and AUTOMATICALLY uplevel,

create everything I see inside of me in my business and life,

by allowing it through!

And, also, the 'most favourite' work I come back to again and again with my private clients.

Do you know what I am EXTRA excited for, in doing this program with you?

This work is also the most FUN work I do! It's like being a kid in a candy store ... or in an art room ... and just knowing - 'wow! I get to choose! I LITERALLY GET TO MAKE IT UP AND THEN IT HAPPENS!'

Can you imagine? 

DO you?

And do you create and allow your life to unfold from that place already?

You literally get to make it up and then it happens!

Pssst ... whatever you think you're 'making up'?? Is actually just soul TELLING you what's up. And then you choosing it!

Even if you already live and play life this way,

there's always another level,

always new depths to go to,

always more YES to claim!

And the things you think are SO far away,

are only as far as you let 'em be!
Think about this:
You keep your container small ... 'allowed' ... 'reasonable' ... or based on what you feel ready or good enough for?

That's what will fill up.


That's what will fill up.

Show up.

As you let your business and life BLOW up,

with all that was already always there for you!

You REALLY do not need to make it more complex than this!


You really DO need to actually lay down though and go GET it!
In our 30 days together in Dream Life Creation, here is just a LITTLE of what we will be doing and what you can expect:

Your Dream Life Creation content will be taught in the form of DAILY over the 30 days trainings which will be a mix of video, audio, workbook and worksheet, journaling prompts, Kat's personal tools, templates, and 'calling in' processes she uses, and more! 

  • Katrina Ruth's exact processes and repeatedly (for years and in some cases decades!) used tools, rituals, templates, routines to get clear and ABSOLUTE specificity on what you want, and what is there for you
  • Her exact tools and processes and personally designed templates, journaling methods, tracking sheets, and so on, on understanding any relevant 'steps' and aligned moves needed in order to claim and CONTINUALLY claim new realities
  • Kat's exact daily / weekly / monthly and 'when TF ever' habits around then CALLING in these new realities, on repeat ... and no, NONE of it means 'having' to do certain things daily / weekly / monthly! Instead it's about finding the flow that is right for YOUR soul.
  • Katrina Ruth's patented 'Hand it Over' process! Surrender and handing it over is one of the least commonly understood parts of receiving, which is why even Kat's millionaire and multi-millionaire clients and friends have repeatedly over the years come to her to help learn how to 'get' it, and then live it!
  • How to ALWAYS know you 'have your core' and are coming from the right place
  • What is required in order to live and breathe and play life in full trust, such that you never need question yourself or any move you make
  • Letting God, soul, life speak through you and flow from you such that you ALWAYS know what you're guided on (and what you want!) is right
  • Katrina Ruth's patented 'Never Get it Wrong' process, to 'test' any desire, idea, want, pull you have, and DOUBLE be certain it is coming from truth and expansion rather than from 'should'
  • ​Killing the 'shoulds' once and for all
  • Starving the fear monster so that it knows to not even BOTHER rearing it's angry fear monster head and telling you all the reasons why you can't or shouldn't
  • Recognising seduction from purpose and path, having the discernment to INSTANTLY know when you are following fear, lies, anything other than your OWN deepest truth
  • Staying the course when it doesn't work, going to deeper levels of trust and handing over
  • Why your money makin' shit gets all STUCK, slowed down, tied up, and sticky - how this is directly connected to how you let yourself breathe and play and dance in life, and the surprising moves you ACTUALLY need to make to free up money flow
  • Katrina Ruth's patented 'where money really comes from' process to allow you to separate money flow and art, soul, purpose work, truth, so that you NEVER again feel like you're doing something for an outcome, or dancing like a monkey puppet for peanuts, and instead can ALWAYS trust in money (and other desires and needs) showing up for you, all the while while YOU get to just be you
  • What it actually means to 'be fully you', and why it's okay if you're down, disconnected, flat, stuck. How to even in THIS place continually receive and allow life to show up for you!
  • ​Accessing God 24 / 7
  • ​Dealing with (in a compassionate and graceful way!) any people in your life who try to derail you, talk you into normalcy, get under your skin
  • How to access confidence and certainty any time, regardless of circumstance, and without denying your 'shit' ... but realising that the two don't have to be connected
  • How to create a bigger container even when you're terrified, feel like 'this level' is COMPLETELY all that you 'can' right now, or don't even know what you want!
  • ​Calling in soulmate mentors, friends, badass peeps of or off the internet, who naturally think like you do and thus rise you just with THEIR beingness, as you do the same for them
  • ​Doing your deepest soul work NOW, no matter what
  • ​Receiving and accessing beyond the physical
  • Letting go of limiting beliefs, patterns, repeated stories. Doing so with grace and ease, letting it just break away
  • Recoding your money identity, and also your 'who I get to be' identity
  • ​Making upleveling, and thinking / believing for continual elevation and dream life creation INHERENT, rather than about any particular process or practice at all!
  • ​'Having it all' with ZERO compromise to your values, integrity, truth ... in fact understanding how all things in your life ONLY get to play together for greatest results and flow!
  • Secrets of 'doing' without doing, and regardless of how little or much available time and other resources you have available
  • ​Kat's patented 'Expanding Time' exercise!

as with all my courses,

SO much more besides,

because whatever I see / download when I create the offer and this sales page, is always just the beginning!
Are you ready for MORE?
More SOUL, more CERTAINTY, more RECEIVING, more YES?

More, basically, of what you've been waiting for?!

More tapping in to what you haven't already yet seen!

Join me in my Dream Life Creation course today, and let's spend the next 30 days together getting YOUR dream biz and life shit together, as you decide the outcomes you've been waiting to create and see massive results NOW ... all by saying yes to what you already freakin' KNOW, and drawing the line only where you want it to be!

Get your home-study course today NOW for 30% off the original price!!

Was $300, NOW $210!!

Dream Life Creation BONUSES!

  • Bonus #1: Kat's Dream Life Creation Spreadsheet and Income Elevation Spreadsheet!
Sign up to Dream Life Creation with Katrina Ruth today, and receive immediate access to Kat's Dream Life Creation Spreadsheet AND her Income Elevation Spreadsheet,

plus a video overview of how to start using these today!
These are two of Kat's favourite tools, which she created for herself back in 2011 when in early days of the creation of her now almost double 8-figures brand ... and which are SO effective at clearly claiming and calling in the elements of her dream life, that she still uses them to this day, and recommends her private clients do the same!

This video training bonus and accompanying spreadsheets are newly updated for this course, and put together with Kat's latest instruction and insight on how to clearly define what you want, and let life show up for you!

You're going to love this bonus so much!
  • Bonus #2: Time Collapsing, and Accessing Quantum Video Bonus!
This 59 minute (and 8 seconds!) long video will completely change.your.reality. This is one of the most powerful trainings I have EVER taught, and takes you through the exact process you need to understand (I make it super clear, and fun!) and also implement in order to collapse time, instantly create / receive, and access what is there for you in the quantum.

I give several powerful pieces of homework with this video, and the clients who have gone through them created PRECISELY what they decided to, from that homework. It actually blew my mind even though I know how this stuff works, and live and breathe it!

Previously never available stand alone for sale!

Get your place today in Dream Life Creation with Katrina Ruth and receive your join now bonuses straight to your inbox!

About Your Mentor Katrina Ruth

I’m KATRINA RUTH. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire, and I work with successful badasses like YOU, who kick their OWN ass already, who were always gonna do and BE the damn thing, but who maybe want me to kick their ass that little bit harder.

I flick the damn switch for the called ones, and I get you ALL riled up on your own YOU-ness.

I currently live on the Gold Coast of Australia, and I’m a single Mum to my two beautiful children, Alyssa and Nathan. I travel a LOT with my business (sometimes with the kids, sometimes not), and my business allows me to be fully location free.

After many MANY years of not going all in, NOT speaking my truth or doing what I really wanted to do in the world, I finally said yes to purpose and sharing my deep soul message, AND to doing the damn work, and now, well –
Here we are.

I have been fortunate enough to build up an INCREDIBLE online community of driven entrepreneurs and leaders and creators, and each day I get to do what I always wanted to do, which is to motivate, educate, empower and inspire you to press play and create the business and life YOU want.

I’ve made over $15,000,000 (yes, 15 million dollars) online just by speaking my truth and following the path of my soul, breaking any and all rules that don’t feel fuck yes for me, and also – and this is my fave! – really just being ME. Yeah, I might have some fancier stuff now than when I started, but my business was built on, and still runs on, me being the girl who just loves to write and say what needs to be said running around usually in her gym gear as a hot mess, in between being a Mum and just, well, living life!

You do NOT have to be anything other than who and what you already are to create all of this. Other than just that part of you who you’ve not yet dared to own, hmmm?! But you sure as shit don’t need to be polished, prepared, perfect. I’m still not! And never will be. What you do need to be is this:

Ready to fucking claim it. To recognise that yeah, the hardest work in the world is to march into our dreams without looking back, and to choose to be the version of us we know we’re meant for, every damn day, with zero availability for anything except seeing it ALL come to life.
Here’s what you need to understand about what’s actually possible! 

I’m the one who has manifested buying her dream beaachside multi-million dollar home ... 

Dream car ...

Endless first class travel both alone and with her kidlets ...

Literally NEVER ever considering (or usually even looking at) at how much something costs, whether it's the latest Chanel, or said house, or near-to-daily blowout appointments, or ALL the deep dive inner work shizniz, any and all day to day things, etc etc etc!

The girl with her head in the clouds who decided she could build a multi-million dollar business - 

All online, and location free - 

Based ONLY on doing her purpose work, what she loves, what she can't NOT - 

But also in the WAY she wants to do and deliver it, not a single bit of the marketing, packaging, launching, delivering, selling, coaching, ETC based on any sort of 'how it's done', but instead based just on what feels good for HER; what her soul WANTS it to be -

Who wanted to mentor the leaders of the leaders, and knew she SHOULD; is meant to, even though she was the one looking up to THEM - 

Who literally currently has private clients who used to be the actual exact people SHE looked up to and aspired to be like - 

Who does EVERYTHING - 


Which she actually decides to do, and who indeed even manifested an entire house disappearing just a couple weeks ago ...

Yeah ... that me!

I've made so many commitments to myself and others over the years with NO FUCKING CLUE HOW, and even looking back I STILL don't know how so all I can SAY is - magic. Decision. Of course. 

Like saying yes to a half million dollar mentoring agreement -
Like changing my entire body and getting shredded in 3 days - 
Like having soulmate clients 'just appear' and tell me they want to start and pay NOW - 
Like becoming a motherfucking leader and 'famous' online - 
Like (and best of all!) being able to unleash create my soul work and live from purpose; share my message -
Like so many trips - 

So many experiences - 

And even relationships!

All I can think reading this was WOW, and at the same time - of COURSE!

Of COURSE I now AM a writer, who sits in cafes, and creates ‘magic’ with words, gets paid to write and be her, just as I DECIDED I wanted to be!


How do I get to that next level?

How do I make more money, get the hot body, call in the soulmate love of my life?
How do I get to have clients who are true badasses, who do the WORK, who are fun, who LOVE to pay me?
How do I get my message out to more people, build my #cultribe, make sales with ease, see things just grow, watch abundance roll IN?
How do I wake up feeling amazing, truly love my life, have a rockin' mindset and gratitude just permeating every part of my day and being?

I DECIDED and said YES to my dream life over and over again as part of my inner work to GUARANTEE GETTING THE EXACT SPECIFIC THINGS I WANT - 

Not just money goals but also (for eg) my Multi-Million $ dream beach home, several luxury vehicle, my ABS lol, becoming friends with people I fangirl on from around the world, and much more besides!

It’s possible because I CHOSE to do the work - 

I’ve actively applied myself to learning how the MIND works, how to condition and train it, how to CHANGE it, so that I can choose exactly the results I want.

This has worked in my business - to the tune of creating one which brings in millions of dollars per year, where my entire job is literally doing what I love and getting paid and also 'famous' just for being me, working ONLY with #soulmateclients and having an epic fun time doing so.

And it's worked in my life - everything from being able to stay in great shape with ease, regardless of passing age or having kids, to creating the home and living environment and lifestyle I really want, to basically knowing that I can 'click my fingers' and whatever I CHOOSE will be mine.

And Now? It's YOUR Time. Time to Step Up. Say Yes. And OPEN THE MOFO GATEWAY TO FLOW!

Get your home-study course today NOW for 30% off the original price!!

Was $300, NOW $210!!

I know what it's like to spend years chasing my dream life ...

I spent years telling myself that one day I would do the damn thing of becoming the damn thing I knew I was meant to be.

That I would make a lot of money –

Create a lifestyle where I got to just wake up each day and be me –

Write the books I was meant to write –

Have the body I REALLY wanted –

And finally figure out how to be the leader, messenger, writer, speaker, coach I knew I was meant to be, even though every part of me was screaming at me that I wasn’t good enough, had no clue what I was doing, and maybe wasn’t even a proper grown-up!

You have to understand – and this is what I’m here today to talk to you about – that EVERYBODY –

and I mean EVERYBODY! 

Everybody who you look to and consider a person who has their shit together … is super talented … or has some kind of hyper-human discipline, or whatever, ALL of them, yes, 100%, have that SAME VOICE IN THEIR HEAD THAT YOU DO.

Telling them they can’t.

Are not good enough.

That their fears are valid.

That they shouldn’t even try.

That everybody else is better, smarter, funnier, and has better hair too!

Yeah, some of ’em who are now living their dream have got so far beyond all of that that they really do own how awesome and powerful they are – as well we all should! But, having now personally privately mentored HUNDREDS of the worlds most amazing leaders, entrepreneurs, creators, and worked with thousands upon thousands more in a more indirect way through my group programs and challenges, I can tell you that even for those who are ‘there’, self-doubt and fear and so on still tries to bite ’em on the ass and stop them going to that NEXT level!

Everybody is human.

The difference between those who are doing the damn thing to be the damn thing, and those who are not, is that they DID IT ANYWAY.

They recognised that they had the ability to act FROM self-belief rather than having to work TOWARDS it before being able to start.

And they said thank you but no thank you to being led by fear.

Have you done that, for you?

Is it time to go further?

Or are you still waiting for a wake-up call, for life to smack you over the face in some way? Well, what if that doesn’t happen? And, do you really need it to happen in order to motivate you to be really YOU?!


When I was 20 I figured that by the time I was 30 I’d have my shit together, be rich AF (lol), have the perfect marriage and home and kids and be absolutely showing up for my purpose. After all, I KNEW that I was born for more! I’d always known it, always felt it, and I guess I just thought that at some point it would come together, y’know? After all, this was destiny!

Have you ever had a wake-up call around the fact that you are COMPLETELY full of shit?


To get out of my own way and COMMIT.

To then follow through on that commitment!

I'm so excited to welcome you into my BRAND new 30 day course Dream Life Creation!

It's about time we got you all in on doin' the whole create what's in you thing.

The line is mofo ready for you to raise it.

Remember -

Life is Now. Press Play!

Kat x


Do you feel a lift? A charge? Even a hint of knowing there is perhaps just ONE ... maybe one HUNDRED ... perhaps somewhere in between ;) YOU things that are waiting for YOU to claim 'em?

Let me show you how,

and then ever so kindly kick your sweet lovin' behind to do so.



Ready to let shit speed up out of nowhere, and move SO damn fast you don't know if you can even hold on, you're breathless and giddy with wonder and AWE?

This is how it's always meant to have been for you.

And now?

It begins,

with me by your side,


Let's do this thing,

bells on,

and skirt-tails flying in the wind.

You have no more time left to live the wrong life, and the BIG HAND IS POINTING TO NOW!

All new course with Katrina Ruth, game-changing bonuses unlocked when you join TODAY, your place and full details and soul downloads of what you KNOW is available,


Get your home-study course today NOW for 30% off the original price!!

Was $300, NOW $210!!

Dream Life Creation with Katrina Ruth!
30 Days to Get Your Dream Biz and Life Shit Together, DECIDE the Outcomes You've Been Waiting to Create, and See Massive Results NOW ... All By Saying Yes to What You Already.Freaking.Know, and Drawing the Line Only Where You Want it To Be!
  • DAILY content - video, audio, workbook and worksheet, journaling prompts and exercises, behind the scenes insights into and overviews of Kat's favourite and most often used personal templates, tools and resources for CONTINUALLY calling in and claiming her 'next level', on repeat!
  • ​DAILY 'Rules of Success' process, template, resource or tool from Katrina Ruth
  • ​DAILY journal prompts directly from Kat's journal - the exact inner work, guidance, activation Kat and her highest level clients use to create their dream life on repeat!
  • ​LIFETIME access to all content
  • ​Brand new live course with Katrina Ruth and the #KatNinjas!
  • GAME-CHANGING bonuses yours right away today to get started with when you claim your place now! Bonus details below!
In our 30 days together in Dream Life Creation, here is just a LITTLE of what we will be doing and what you can expect:

Your Dream Life Creation content will be taught in the form of DAILY over the 30 days trainings which will be a mix of video, audio, workbook and worksheet, journaling prompts, Kat's personal tools, templates, and 'calling in' processes she uses, and more!

  • Katrina Ruth's exact processes and repeatedly (for years and in some cases decades!) used tools, rituals, templates, routines to get clear and ABSOLUTE specificity on what you want, and what is there for you
  • Her exact tools and processes and personally designed templates, journaling methods, tracking sheets, and so on, on understanding any relevant 'steps' and aligned moves needed in order to claim and CONTINUALLY claim new realities
  • Kat's exact daily / weekly / monthly and 'when TF ever' habits around then CALLING in these new realities, on repeat ... and no, NONE of it means 'having' to do certain things daily / weekly / monthly! Instead it's about finding the flow that is right for YOUR soul.
  • Katrina Ruth's patented 'Hand it Over' process! Surrender and handing it over is one of the least commonly understood parts of receiving, which is why even Kat's millionaire and multi-millionaire clients and friends have repeatedly over the years come to her to help learn how to 'get' it, and then live it!
  • How to ALWAYS know you 'have your core' and are coming from the right place
  • What is required in order to live and breathe and play life in full trust, such that you never need question yourself or any move you make
  • Letting God, soul, life speak through you and flow from you such that you ALWAYS know what you're guided on (and what you want!) is right
  • Katrina Ruth's patented 'Never Get it Wrong' process, to 'test' any desire, idea, want, pull you have, and DOUBLE be certain it is coming from truth and expansion rather than from 'should'
  • ​Killing the 'shoulds' once and for all
  • Starving the fear monster so that it knows to not even BOTHER rearing it's angry fear monster head and telling you all the reasons why you can't or shouldn't
  • Recognising seduction from purpose and path, having the discernment to INSTANTLY know when you are following fear, lies, anything other than your OWN deepest truth
  • Staying the course when it doesn't work, going to deeper levels of trust and handing over
  • Why your money makin' shit gets all STUCK, slowed down, tied up, and sticky - how this is directly connected to how you let yourself breathe and play and dance in life, and the surprising moves you ACTUALLY need to make to free up money flow
  • Katrina Ruth's patented 'where money really comes from' process to allow you to separate money flow and art, soul, purpose work, truth, so that you NEVER again feel like you're doing something for an outcome, or dancing like a monkey puppet for peanuts, and instead can ALWAYS trust in money (and other desires and needs) showing up for you, all the while while YOU get to just be you
  • What it actually means to 'be fully you', and why it's okay if you're down, disconnected, flat, stuck. How to even in THIS place continually receive and allow life to show up for you!
  • ​Accessing God 24 / 7
  • ​Dealing with (in a compassionate and graceful way!) any people in your life who try to derail you, talk you into normalcy, get under your skin
  • How to access confidence and certainty any time, regardless of circumstance, and without denying your 'shit' ... but realising that the two don't have to be connected
  • How to create a bigger container even when you're terrified, feel like 'this level' is COMPLETELY all that you 'can' right now, or don't even know what you want!
  • ​Calling in soulmate mentors, friends, badass peeps of or off the internet, who naturally think like you do and thus rise you just with THEIR beingness, as you do the same for them
  • ​Doing your deepest soul work NOW, no matter what
  • ​Receiving and accessing beyond the physical
  • Letting go of limiting beliefs, patterns, repeated stories. Doing so with grace and ease, letting it just break away
  • Recoding your money identity, and also your 'who I get to be' identity
  • ​Making upleveling, and thinking / believing for continual elevation and dream life creation INHERENT, rather than about any particular process or practice at all!
  • ​'Having it all' with ZERO compromise to your values, integrity, truth ... in fact understanding how all things in your life ONLY get to play together for greatest results and flow!
  • Secrets of 'doing' without doing, and regardless of how little or much available time and other resources you have available
  • ​Kat's patented 'Expanding Time' exercise!

as with all my courses,

SO much more besides,

because whatever I see / download when I create the offer and this sales page, is always just the beginning!

Get your home-study course today NOW for 30% off the original price!!

Was $300, NOW $210!!

The Katrina Ruth Show Refund Policy

All Katrina Ruth products are non-refundable due to the extreme value of our content. Back yourself to buy things you believe in and know in your GUT are right for you! 
Copyright © 2022 The Katrina Ruth Show