You freakin’ KNOW who you are. 

You KNOW that it’s still available for you.

You KNOW nothing will EVER stop you.

You KNOW that at your core you’re made of MOLTEN STEEL and you can mould yourself into ANYTHING –

You are unstoppable.

You are born for more.

You know you have something EXTRAORDINARY inside of you.

You did not come the NORMAL LIFE!

And yet –

Somehow –

Somewhere –

Along the way –

While doing the things.
And chasing the things.

And, without even really realising it, following the rules, becoming conditioned …

It just, well, didn’t happen.

It didn’t work out the way you damn well knew it was just MEANT to work out!

Sure, you’re SUCCESSFUL! You’re freaking ROCKIN’ it! A Superhero no less, and everybody thinks so, tells you, wants to know how you do it?

And you just look in the mirror at yourself,

At the end of the day,

Or as you go on your way,

And try as you might to hide it, cover it up, or pretend you don’t see, the sadness –

Is there.

The frustration.

Is there.


Is there.

At the fact that it was MEANT TO BE SO MUCH MORE THAN THIS, and why do I why do I WHY do I not just DO it?

But it’s not just annoyance, sadness, frustration, or grief, is it?

Under it all. And through it all. And all AROUND it all. Is the THING WHICH HAS ALWAYS MADE YOU DIFFERENT:



And a REFUSAL to accept living a life of being ANYTHING less than all that you are.

You may well FEEL at times that you don’t know if you believe, your faith has been so tested, and you’re harder on yourself than ANYONE could be about just how much there is you MUST still do!

And if THAT’S true? Then this is for you.


10 Days of Soul Transmissions, recorded for you, to Help You Find and Follow the Messages Within

Day 1) Trust
Day 2) Certainty
Day 3) Self-Belief
Day 4) Empire Creation
Day 5) Your Deepest Message
Day 6) Following Soul Guidance in All Areas
Day 7) Faith vs Fear
Day 8) Accessing Flow, and Superflow
Day 9) Expanding Time
Day 10) Expanding Money

Every day will be a video of soul led transmission.

Our daily soul transmissions are guided from MY higher self and directed from and for YOURS, to help you find and FOLLOW the messages within. The messages of your spirit, your consciousness, of the who you’ve always been and yet have managed quite well to cover up a lot of the time.

This is about stripping away –

And getting back to the CORE.

We’ll dive day by day into the above mentioned areas –

And you’ll receive all content and bonuses to keep for life.

There will be daily spirit prompts which you’ll receive after each training.

And plenty of time opportunity connect with me throughout, receive transmissions direct to YOUR questions, and absorb more even than what comes through on the trainings, via the energy we’ll create in this collective!
It’s very rare for me to know in advance exactly what is coming through day to day.

I certainly don’t have the details of each day’s content. But I know that these areas have been on my heart to talk about, in particular around belief, around certainty, around living from FAITH.

We know that exactly what is meant to come through for you WILL, and then some. And that if you intend and allow for it to, it will change, most likely before we even begin, due to your energetic commitment, the direction of your LIFE!

Meaning: direct it back to absolute soul alignment.

*** NEVER Seen Before Bonus! ***

As part of this, I’ve been guided to offer a NEVER before seen bonus … one I feel super vulnerable about sharing!

It’s the exact journaling I did to allow the download of THIS offer through. How I allowed the idea to bubble up. You’ll see my doubt, uncertainty, annoyance. You’ll see what I discarded. How I went through the layers. And how I KNEW, this was the one.

I’ll ALSO add in copies (screenshots) of my conversation with my COO Ash, where I was talking through the idea and allowing it to come to life.

I want to show you the exact Idea to Launch process!

This bonus alone is EASILY worth the cost of this program, particularly when you hear the mindset side of it, in terms of STAYING THE COURSE and refusing to back away from my self until the idea showed up!
I refuse not to create!!

AND, when you register for EXPANSION today (and how could you not?!) you’ll also receive early access to the Pre-Work. This is ALSO never seen before, and brand new just for you – and it’s a guided meditation on remembrance, to help you connect back to deepest self and the most certain truth of your destiny, before we even begin.

Perfect priming, for when we expand RAPIDLY into all that is coming through in this work!
Of course I could now go on and on here, about what I could or should have charged for this, and what it’s actually going to be …

Or about all my accomplishments on line and off, with money, with purpose, with passion, with flow …
I think you know all this anyway. Even if you just me! Your soul feels what matters. And that’s ALL that matters.

But I will say this:

You’ve always known it’s supposed to be about ALL that is inside of you. That it’s meant to COME from a place of purpose, passion, and SUPER super flow. And that if you just.freaking.trusted, and showed up FULLY from that place, you’d be living in a different reality already.


If that’s true for you right now, then LET’S GO CREATE THAT REALITY.

Right now
Press play ABOVE, (super fuck yes!!) to sign up to the home study program and save over 30%!!

About Katrina Ruth

I’m KATRINA RUTH. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire, and I work with successful badasses like YOU, who kick their OWN ass already, who were always gonna do and BE the damn thing, but who maybe want me to kick their ass that little bit harder.

I flick the damn switch for the called ones, and I get you ALL riled up on your own YOU-ness.
I currently live on the Gold Coast of Australia, and I’m a single Mum to my two beautiful children, Alyssa and Nathan. I travel a LOT with my business (sometimes with the kids, sometimes not), and my business allows me to be fully location free.

After many MANY years of not going all in, NOT speaking my truth or doing what I really wanted to do in the world, I finally said yes to purpose and sharing my deep soul message, AND to doing the damn work, and now, well –

Here we are.

I have been fortunate enough to build up an INCREDIBLE online community of driven entrepreneurs and leaders and creators, and each day I get to do what I always wanted to do, which is to motivate, educate, empower and inspire you to press play and create the business and life YOU want.

I’ve made over $15,000,000 (yes, 15 million dollars) online just by speaking my truth and following the path of my soul, breaking any and all rules that don’t feel fuck yes for me, and also – and this is my fave! – really just being ME. Yeah, I might have some fancier stuff now than when I started, but my business was built on, and still runs on, me being the girl who just loves to write and say what needs to be said running around usually in her gym gear as a hot mess, in between being a Mum and just, well, living life!

You do NOT have to be anything other than who and what you already are to create all of this. Other than just that part of you who you’ve not yet dared to own, hmmm?! But you sure as shit don’t need to be polished, prepared, perfect. I’m still not! And never will be. What you do need to be is this:

Ready to fucking claim it. To recognise that yeah, the hardest work in the world is to march into our dreams without looking back, and to choose to be the version of us we know we’re meant for, every damn day, with zero availability for anything except seeing it ALL come to life.


Life is Now, Press Play

Kat x
Press play ABOVE, (super fuck yes!!) to sign up to the home study program and save over 30%!!

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