LEADER is here gorgeous, are you ready?

Ready to drop the bullshit –

Quit trying to climb the damn mountain, hand over fist, one painful and endless move at a time –

And claim your rightful place, now?

It’s time to stop questioning.

It’s time to stop ‘one daying’.

And it’s DEFINITELY time to stop asking HOW.


(Doesn’t sound like something I would say ;))

The way you’re going to get there is the same way you were ALWAYS going to get there is the only way that ANYBODY ever gets there is by claiming.your place.now.

Planting your damn flag on top of the mountain and saying what is UP, bitches, what’s been happening, here I now am and so the show can BEGIN.

The thing is –

The stuff you feel inside of you is real.

You are not SUPPOSED to do it like the others! Yes, I know your diva thoughts! I know how a part of you is outraged at even the IDEA of having to ‘work’ your way there like everybody else. You should be in charge! This is obvious! Frankly a lot of the so-called stuff you’re ‘supposed’ to do to make it is beneath you!

You know all of this as sure as you know the sky is blue, but at the same time you wonder if you ARE just a tad full of yourself, if you have to pay your dues.

And so you have been setting your sad little sorry self to work … trying to at least, ’cause let’s face it, a good deal of the time you don’t manage to follow through … you procrastinate, you sabotage, you make lists within lists, you promise yourself that tomorrow you will be a good little entrepreneur –

Do it right –

Follow the rules –

Do what you SAID you’d do and what they tell you to.

Then once again, night becomes morn and what happens? Not much! You flake the fuck out, are filled with self-fury and frustration at how you STILL don’t manage to follow the fuck through. What’s wrong with you? Why do you just keep on NOT doing all this shit you’re meant to do? It’s terrifying / despair-inducing / deeply freakin’ concerning, because if you continue to not do the work then how in the name of chocolate and all that’s Holy are you EVER going to build the damn thing?!

You KNOW you were born for more.

You KNOW you came here to CHANGE things, to shake ’em up, to shift people and indeed to bring MILLIONS to their next level as you also claim yours.

You know you meant to be RICH gurl, yeah …

Have all the things

Dance wild and free and naked down the street (or at least in your own lounge) –


You know that you get to have it all
On your terms
No matter what
And THEN some

And you deeply deeply believe that all of this is gonna be via you doing whatever the FUCK you want, your way, based on all sorts of random shiz niz which you haven’t yet figured out yet but which sure as fuck is NOT you doing what they TELL you to do.

The truth is that every single cell in your body rears back in DISGUST at so much of this stuff.

A mild sort of horror / nausea / no THANK you.

Do you really have to do that …? That WAY …? Like THAT …?


Surely not!

How very PLEBEIAN.

But yeah. You try. Or you try to try at least. Because I guess the truth is you haven’t decided to back what’s inside of you and also maybe that nobody has TOLD you there is a different way!

Allow me to tell you:




You can sure as fuck FEEL it.

You feel in your bones your cells your soul your very DNA what is expansive and yes for you and what is bullshit and contractive and sad for you, and I’ll tell ya –

Even though you have no proof.

Even though everybody will tell you you are CRAZY.

Even though it’s ‘never been done’ (well, I done did it, so that’s a start … my clients too!).

Even though it defies all logic and reason.

And even though it requires you to FLY FUCKING BLIND.

The only way is the way within the way you’ve been making wrong or not enough the way you just keep coming back to the way you won’t be able to rest easy until you say YES to.

Oh and by the by –

Just while we’re at it –

Yeah …


That way doesn’t involve climbing or joining dots on jack SHIT.

It’s more like teleporting to the damn top and taking claim of the whole entire freakin’ land.

It’s more like THIS:


A brand new live course with self-made multi-millionaire Katrina Ruth!
Fuck Being a Good Girl, Fuck Following the Rules, Fuck Working Your Way There Hand Over Fist. You Were Born to Run the Damn Show and Baby? It’s Time.

10 Days.

10 Modules.

10 gajillionty uplevels, in fact, nah, scratch that – ONE freakin’ uplevel, in which we take you straight to where you were ALWAYS MEANT TO BE

It’s time to quit fucking around here, and claim your rightful place. The reason this whole thing drains the FUCK out of you is that you are not supposed to be DOING it like them! Your exhausting your SOUL by trying to play a game of being one of the masses, of trying to somehow prove or ‘earn’ your way to the top when you were BORN for the top.

You’re doing the wrong job 😉

Your job was always and only to RUN the thing.

Let what’s in you out.

And do what you were born qualified to do! You don’t have to EARN or prove your way to being you! That makes no sense.

And for as long as you continue to try and do it THEIR way you will feel depleted and you will.not.get.anywhere!

Not anywhere that matters.

Not anywhere that REMOTELY resembles that place you’ve always known, inside of you.

Well, I for one will not stand for it! I won’t have it, I won’t allow it to go on, I will NOT sanction a single bit of it!

Okay fine, I guess I can only really technically decide that for myself, but hey hey –

Maybe it’s time you did the same thing too, for you? Hmmm? Hmmm!

Already Feeling the BURRRRNNNNNNN of Your Soul Switching the Fuck On and Know You Need IN, Fuck the Details?!

Say yes to LEADER today and get your LEADER pre-work! >>> Behind the Scenes of How I Do Life: An Open Conversation with Kat about the Day to Day and ‘How’ of Running a Soul-Led Multi-Million-Dollar Empire as a Single Mama Who Also Insists on Being in Shit Hot Shape and Having ALL the Time for Fun and Play!

I’ll be talking through exactly how I approach my daily hustle flow, ‘balance’ and fit it all in, and how I apply minimal effort for maximum return in my business, money, fitness, and everything, so that I am ALWAYS in an expansion of time for everything that matters to me as a woman and as a Mum! Plus I will be answering your questions! This training alone is worth the investment of this entire course!

Sign Up Now & Get 30% off!!

Was $597, NOW $418!

I Definitely Need This! But Details! I Need Details! I Want to READ EVERY LAST LITTLE BIT OF WHAT WE’RE DOING, TELLLLLLLLL Me!

Okay, seriously, I don’t believe you really need or care about all the details and let’s be honest – I won’t know ALL of all all we’re doing till we do it (my soul likes to drop extra surprises and shit all over the place just once I thought I knew exactly what was happening, so there always ends up being like 3x the content I said there would!), but sure sure –

Here’s what I will be BURNING INTO YOUR PRETTY LITTLE LEADER SOUL over our 10 Module together!

(A Module a day keeps the peasant energy away)

Module 1: Leader Energy

Owning it, being it, living it, no excuses, just dropping in to NOW being the unquestionable next level leader who EVERYBODY looks to and who runs the damn thing. I don’t have to tell ya –

We could pretty much just do this module and you’d be done.

Module 2: Multi-Millionaire Leader BELIEFS

Wealthy people have certain beliefs which broke ass peeps do not. It is what it is and that’s all it is. Guess what? PURPOSE driven wealthy peeps are another level altogether.

Change your beliefs >

Change your life.

It’s THAT freaking simple.

Module 3: Leader Sales Hustle and Monetization

Leaders sell how leaders sell and they monetize with NO shame, ALL soul, and all RESULTS.

This is a mindset AND it’s about gettin’ real with what works.

So that’s what we’re gonna do!

Module 4: Leader Content Creation

Look, nobody needs or gives a fuck about any more lame ass low-vibe please look at me teaching and preaching.

The Internet IS full. Boring does NOT sell. Too many folks are out there just trying to re-churn what everybody else is doing.


I’ll show you how to pull that out of you. And explode it to the world.

Module 5: Leader Social Media OWNING

Let’s get you big.
Listened to.
And consistently fucking paid.

Social media is a VERY easy tool to make work for you and nope I’m not talking about analytics or algorithms. I’m talking about being everywhere, all the time, in a way they can’t ignore, and also with minimum effort for maximum result.

Module 6: Leader Squad

Leaders don’t do shit that leaders don’t do or leaders ain’t leaders.

We are gonna sort out your support system and streamline your LIFE. With or without ‘team’. I started with this with NO staff or team, NO money, and yet I still knew how to keep my energy and time to what mattered and let other people pick up my slack.

Leaders are supported and lifted up, PERIOD. Let’s get this happening for you.

Module 7: Leader Daily Disciplines, Practices, Routines, Must Dos and Absolutely-Fucking-Will-Not-Dos!


Also probably the real thing (energy aside!) that gets you paid big.

Module 8: Leader ABUNDANCE Creation

ALL the calling-in-of-money shiz-niz you need to know about and EVERY damn thing I have done over the years to dial it up from broke to abundant and rich-from-soul AF.

Module 9: Leader Lit-Up-Ed-Ness and Joie de Vivre

People ain’t gonna be interested if you’re not interesting girlfriend.

We are going to recapture your fucking FIRE, and I’ll show you exactly how.

Module 10: Leader MAGNETISM

Being the most ‘they can’t look away’ person out there, where no matter what you do or how random it is PEOPLE HAVE TO HAVE IT ‘CAUSE IT’S YOU.

Yep, that is an INTENSIVE learning schedule but we did already agree it’s time to quit fucking around. Besides which, this is not about learning. This is about remembering, remembering, remembering, and motherfucking BEING –

All that you were always meant to damn well be.


Literally every possible thing you possibly need to know to NOW run the damn thing is what we’re covering here.

Modules will be delivered directly into the group each day and include LIVE as well as listen / watch / learn at home content. A lot of content! But only exactly what you need!

And baby?

It is going to kick your butt GOOD.

Not a single piece of bullshit shall remain.

You will have no CHOICE but to shed all the silly silly around what you do NOT gotta do to get there.

And you will have no choice but to UNAPOLOGETICALLY OWN every single bit of who you are and how you show up now that you have indeed claimed ALL of it.

Yeah, it will be confronting.

Your shit will come up.

It may get messy.

You might lose some peeps!





That’s all.

Nothing else we need to talk about.

You either know you need to finally stake your damn claim –

Or you might as well give up now, you’re exhausting EVERYONE with that sorry sad ‘try’ energy.

(Not the leaders though. We too busy having the best time ever doing the damn thing to even notice you if THAT is who you choose to be!)


You in?



Say yes to LEADER today and get your LEADER pre-work! >>> Behind the Scenes of How I Do Life: An Open Conversation with Kat about the Day to Day and ‘How’ of Running a Soul-Led Multi-Million-Dollar Empire as a Single Mama Who Also Insists on Being in Shit Hot Shape and Having ALL the Time for Fun and Play!

I’ll be talking through exactly how I approach my daily hustle flow, ‘balance’ and fit it all in, and how I apply minimal effort for maximum return in my business, money, fitness, and everything, so that I am ALWAYS in an expansion of time for everything that matters to me as a woman and as a Mum! Plus I will be answering your questions! This training alone is worth the investment of this entire course!

Sign Up Now & Get 30% off!!

Was $597, NOW $418!

About Katrina Ruth

I’m KATRINA RUTH. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire, and I work with successful badasses like YOU, who kick their OWN ass already, who were always gonna do and BE the damn thing, but who maybe want me to kick their ass that little bit harder.

I flick the damn switch for the called ones, and I get you ALL riled up on your own YOU-ness.
I currently live on the Gold Coast of Australia, and I’m a single Mum to my two beautiful children, Alyssa and Nathan. I travel a LOT with my business (sometimes with the kids, sometimes not), and my business allows me to be fully location free.

After many MANY years of not going all in, NOT speaking my truth or doing what I really wanted to do in the world, I finally said yes to purpose and sharing my deep soul message, AND to doing the damn work, and now, well –

Here we are.

I have been fortunate enough to build up an INCREDIBLE online community of driven entrepreneurs and leaders and creators, and each day I get to do what I always wanted to do, which is to motivate, educate, empower and inspire you to press play and create the business and life YOU want.

I’ve made over $15,000,000 (yes, 15 million dollars) online just by speaking my truth and following the path of my soul, breaking any and all rules that don’t feel fuck yes for me, and also – and this is my fave! – really just being ME. Yeah, I might have some fancier stuff now than when I started, but my business was built on, and still runs on, me being the girl who just loves to write and say what needs to be said running around usually in her gym gear as a hot mess, in between being a Mum and just, well, living life!

You do NOT have to be anything other than who and what you already are to create all of this. Other than just that part of you who you’ve not yet dared to own, hmmm?! But you sure as shit don’t need to be polished, prepared, perfect. I’m still not! And never will be. What you do need to be is this:

Ready to fucking claim it. To recognise that yeah, the hardest work in the world is to march into our dreams without looking back, and to choose to be the version of us we know we’re meant for, every damn day, with zero availability for anything except seeing it ALL come to life.

Join LEADER today.

And watch your life blow straight the fuck up to where it’s always meant to have been.

Don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.


Fuck Being a Good Girl, Fuck Following the Rules, Fuck Working Your Way There Hand Over Fist. You Were Born to Run the Damn Show and Baby? 
It’s Time.

Sign Up Now & Get 30% off!!

Was $597, NOW $418!

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All Katrina Ruth products are non-refundable due to the extreme value of our content. Back yourself to buy things you believe in and know in your GUT are right for you! 
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