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Here is What is Included in The Becoming Fully You Academy
Think of it like this:

Your all-in-one-place house of badassery designed to teach you, guide you, support you, align you, and asskickery TF out of you (don’t talk to me about grammar!) into ALL that you’re here to be and now READY to be.


The place where you have full AND lifetime access to my best and most intentionally crafted work on business, money, purpose, flow, and LIFE.

The place where you become fully YOU by bringing to life the EPIC soul-led business that that version of you would have, alongside the money, dream life, fuck yes relationships, body, all of it! Here's a hint: it works easier when you just go straight to the top! It works TOGETHER when you say yes to all of it. And at The Becoming Fully You Academy? That's exactly what we're going to do!
  • Business / Entrepreneur badassery covering every element of WILDLY successful business from soul: exactly how to build, grow, elevate, expand, and next level ALL of it. Our curriculums have got you whether you're just starting out or years in!
  • Money + Money Mindset badassery: everything you need to know, understand, integrate, embody, activate, and BECOME on both the practical AND the inner game side of playing a huge game with money ... and (of course!) all from soul and being full you.
  • God, Purpose, Intuition, Truth badassery: let's get you so damn tapped in you forget what it was ever like to NOT live your life from that level of truth!
  • Quantum + Supernatural badassery: one of my truest gifts to share in the world, and OH so available as a normal part of 'just how you do!'
  • Dream Body Inside + Out badassery: everything you need to know AND how to do it! Practical, mindset + more! Because we get to be hot as well as rich and on path!
  • The all new Becoming Fully You 12-module course, filmed and created live beginning mid-February, and designed to take you ALL the way into you, such that you immediately are able to bring to life all that SHE has, is, and is ready for!
So much more besides! 
The Becoming Fully You Academy is THE place where I teach you exactly how to take full ownership of every part of who you are NOW ready to be, in every area of your life.

I've designed the Academy with 7 core areas which you receive full and immediate access to, and which, together, encompass the tools you need in order to activate the fullest YOU in each of those areas, such that it all meshes beautifully together into you being fully you!

In each area there are core curriculums which cover the strategy AND the mindset of everything you need to know and understand about being fully you in that area ... and everything you need to know and understand in order to apply it.

Some of this work is structured module-by-module or month-by-month (but always fully open so you can jump to what speaks to YOU), and some is comprised of key courses I've made specifically to address that learning!

Our 7th core area is our all new 12-module Becoming Fully You course - purpose created and filmed live starting mid-February!
The total value of the CONTENT in The Becoming Fully You Academy is a whopping $57,449!!
But let’s get real - 

Who gives a fuck? I mean sure, it’s cool. And it’s also real. All of these things have been sold separately at the price points mentioned, and the value is - beyond even that. 

And, well, despite what I just said - I definitely give a fuck. A big one.

The course work in each section of The Becoming Fully You Academy is my best and most transformative work, work I have poured my heart and soul into and continue to, work which has taken hundreds upon hundreds of hours collectively to build, work which is responsible for literally hundreds of millions of dollars made by my clients!

I am so proud of what I get to share with you in the Academy.

But why I said ‘who gives a fuck’ about the value and the ‘allness’ of it is this. 

For me the real value is not in the $ value.

Not in the over 100k of course content and teaching even 1% of which will activate TF out of you, not to mention teach and show you precisely what it takes to unlock the business, money, and life it’s time for.

And not even in the entire new Becoming Fully You 12-module course I am creating live as the backbone of the Academy, the resting point to support the incredible curriculum streams outlined below.

Here is where the real value is at:

Quite simply, in the fact that when you come into this space you are activated. Released. And remembered. Back to all that you always were.

Yes, this is in part due to what you work through and learn from the content, the teachings, from me!

But honestly, a huge part?

It’s the fact that you always knew that at some point it would be time to surrender to being all of you.

And in joining the Becoming Fully You Academy?

You drew a motherfucking line in the sand and then you just did.

For me, this is what I came here to do. To remind you of all you always were. And then hold you to the fire, support guide empower and teach you, 

such that you become it.
Copyright © 2023  The Katrina Ruth Show