The Screw the Rules Mastermind is here.

And it is hands down the best and highest value place on the internet for the badass creator who wants to know exactly how to BUILD the damn thing,

(down to the dot point!),

whilst also being surrounded by full.fuck.yes.VIBES, support, and community!

Plus? It's crazy insane value on the investment side. Meaning yeah - we OWNING that low cost give you all the things thing.

For me, this is simple. It feels right to give you everything you need to create everything you want, and to do so in a low cost and SUPER accessible way. You know ... screw the rules and all. And it's also about that for me personally, I've always been amazed and fascinated when I see somebody who is famous, has a huge following, is a certified badass extraordinaire, who I look up to, even, saying something like ...

'You can just come in to my space, have this level of access, and this level of value, learning, support, and all just ... for this.'

Essentially: they give it all away.

Want to know the truth?

I've always been a big fan of just giving it all away. ALL of what I am called to. And fuck the idea that it 'should' be a higher cost because - blah blah blah market-y reasons -. You know?


It comes down to making a choice:  
You can choose a life of sitting back and watching others rise, while you continue to show up just enough ahead of the norm that you are unarguably ‘successful’, but never so far ahead that it ACTUALLY MEETS WHAT'S INSIDE OF YOU –

Or -

The people who are the most wildly successful, truly aspirational, because they are so clearly living with intention, truth, purpose, and by following their own internal fire ...

are just doing what comes natural to them. In the way they feel to do it.


Screw The Rules Mastermind is an invitation to commit to going all in on living the life you came here to live. This is where you get to say yes to showing up as the badass leader, artist, creator and messenger you know you ARE. 

And to join the TRUE wild successful and free ones, who not only do business from purpose and truth, but all of life this way.

To admit that you, like me, like us, like our clients here at The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute, are not concerned with things like:

* Pricing right for the industry
* Having any particular look or feel or properness to their business or brand
* Being matchy matchy unless that is genuinely how they do life (and some people do this SO well!)
* Being at all polished or professional
* What marketing or sales or launching is supposed to look like
 Whether a ‘high level person’ would really … whatever (give so much away, do it like that, say that, behave like that, etc)
They are really not concerned with anything, because what they are concerning themselves WITH –

is simply showing up, doing the work they are here to do, and then communicating and GIVING in the way that feels good for them!
If you think about it, the idea of having to price a certain way ... package or pretty things up in a certain way ... restrain or restrict value in a certain way ... present yourself as successful or luxurious or proper enough in a certain way ...

is very lack based. Because EITHER -

- being stingy with value in exchange for money
- keeping your door always closed
- never dipping below certain price points in your offerings
- having your branding 'just so'
- representing obvious or 'socially approved' markers of wealth and success

is a TRUE reflection of you and how you do life OFF camera, and of what your business stands for and is really about -

or it is you allowing your self and your business to operate OUT of your own trust and flow, because somewhere along the way you decided that that is how you need to look. Act. Behave. Be.

Here is what myself and my team at The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute believe and choose to be true. What we live by. Create from. Build our business and brand from, multiple thereof. And what we are here to be of service to YOU from.

And here is what I know to be true about you:

It’s about creating a business on your terms. 

LIFE on your terms.

MONEY on your terms.

YOU get to do things – on your terms!
It gets to and MUST – feel | look | smell | taste | sound – like you!
The Screw the Rules Mastermind is, quite simply, the place to grow the business, brand, empire, or body of YOU work, that you actually came here for, in a way that is fun, exciting and ONLY yes for you, which is also the easiest and most obvious WAY for you, and all to create MAXIMUM money and impact results with MAXIMUM – aka full! – saying yes to you as the foundation!

Screw the Rules Mastermind is THE online home for true the #RebelMillionaire WILL DO IT FROM SOUL OR NOT AT ALL human. It is where we join together to raise the standard of TRUE soul-led entrepreneurship as a whole, starting first and foremost with YOU going all in to create the business, money, and LIFE that is there for YOU.

No rules
No proper-making
No ‘this is how marketing or sales should look’
No ‘this is what I know I have to do’ (*insert heavy sad sigh*)
No ‘once I —- do things that prove my worth or enoughness —- then I can —– do or be what I really want and what would light me on FIRE —-‘

Just simple.straight up.activating what is IN you,

in order to unapologetically claim MASSIVE money results. 

- MASSIVE impact and legacy. 

- CONTINUAL flow of EXACTLY the clients and customers you want, exactly the kind of audience you want. 

- The badasses you long to be surrounded by. COMMUNITY in exactly the way it would be SO freakin’ fun for you, and just RIGHT for you.

- And all of it centred around you simply doing the work you came here to do,

selling it the way that feels good for you and also WORKS,

- having multiple streams of income at ALL times, because you have put things in place to ensure people continually are paying you both behind the scenes and also with whatever you FEEL like doing ‘live’ or ‘in the moment

- having AUTOMATED income systems that feel SO good for you, and were fun and easy to set up

- having PRECISELY the right support, in the way you wish it could be. JUST the right amount, doing JUST what is actually needed to be done to support you so you can be more you

- being connected CONTINUALLY to fun. Flow. Your own inner knowingness. And an absolute assuredness that you are doing what you are meant to be doing, being who and what you are meant to be being.

- ALWAYS receiving | knowing | seeing | having the ideas for new things or new angles, exactly when needed

- Knowing precisely what to do with those ideas, how to bring ’em to life and get the MAXIMUM fuck yes 
result from doing so

Soul satisfaction and certainty on POINT

Continual FUN, adventure, and just a PLAIN GOOD FUCKING TIME with it all

Making incredible friends who lighten and lift you!

And having direct access to the insights, mindset strategies and business hacks that have built our empire here at RMCI (Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute!)

PLUS any extras | tools | tech help | marketing or automation help| systems help, training and support, ETC, that you need, right there at your fingertips, AND -


Not one but TWO 12 month advanced coaching curriculums for you to dive in and out of any way you please!

Does this sound like something it’s ABOUT FUCKING TIME FOR?

The Screw the Rules Mastermind is, quite simply, the place where you come in to the ONLY space online for the true #RebelMillionaire badass who wants to grow, shift, learn, be FULLY supported, and ultimately become all that she or he is meant to be!

This is about ALL in doing this thing of growing the business, brand, empire, or body of YOU work, that you actually came here for, in a way which is fun, exciting, and ONLY yes for you, whilst also being oh-so-obvious and simple, and all to create MAXIMUM money and impact results with MAXIMUM - aka full! - saying yes to you as the foundation!

All surrounded by straight fire and asskickery with The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute and the original Queen of Badassery herself: Katrina Ruth!

Our Screw the Rules Mastermind is an ALL in, living, breathing, hot as FIRE, and will.daily.activate TF outta you (plus show you cool AS fuck ways to make money, impact, and SOUL art or let it outta you), place of BADASSERY –

where you come into our INCREDIBLE Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute, and?

completely.revolutionise.your life.

Think: everything it took me the first 10+ years or so to figure out, imparted straight into your psyche in a year ... except actually LESS ... as we flick the switch for you and then RIDE ALL THE WAY INTO EXPANSION from there!

How we will do this:

  • Fully engaged mastermind 24/7 access to high vibe conversation, fun, adventure, chit-chat, support, and general shenanigans.
  • The MOST interactive, supportive, badass, and inspiring / energising community online (just what we attract and create!), with 24/7 access to high vibe conversation, fun, adventure, chit-chat, support, and general shenanigans and the BEST in the world holding you to a standard of being fully you. 
  • Think:
  • everything it took Kat the first 10+ years or so to figure out, imparted straight into your psyche … a download which just continues and expands aka as you follow the #RebelMillionaire pathway and map as a Screw the Rules badass.
  • Friendships and biz affiliations and the like to last for life

              Plus - ! 

              Your Get Started Experience As a Screw The Rules Badass

  • 30 Days Personalised Onboarding Support plus 1:1 Coaching Session! As a Screw The Rules member we’ll be personally coaching and walking you through the first 30 days to really make sure you’re on track and applying everything with the cash injection challenge, that you know how to get the most out of the membership based on your personal goals and personally supporting you to ensure you’re comfortable with all of the core content. 
  • 1:1 mentoring call with a Kat Coach - you will be supported by a Kat coach and can personally discuss all your needs and help you set your personal road map and goals for your time in Screw The Rules! 
  • 14 Day Rapid Cash Injection Challenge! Message, launch and sell - in as little as 14 days! This challenge involves crazy simple tactics and high level accountability... to break through barriers and beliefs and make money daily - in effortless, aligned and fast AF ways!
  • Think RAPID cash injection with fun and shenanigans alongside fellow badasses and your Rebel Institute coaches!
  • This is all in addition to Kat’s live masterclasses and Q&A's which occur each month plus your entire resource library and immediate access to your TWO core 12 month Screw The Rules Coaching Curriculums!

              Your Coaching Curriculums!

  • I am GIVING you my ENTIRE $55,000 (actual value!) 'Build Your Soul-Led Empire Online' body of work, which includes my entire 12-month coaching foundations program (advanced mindset and strategy of being wildly successful online, modulated month by month for 12 months with 12 incredibly deep dive areas each of which took me years to understand!), PLUS my entire Soul-Led Millionaire resource library (a searchable library of HUNDREDS of videos, worksheets, trainings, audios, tools, covering literally every possible thing you could want or need to know how to do, or desire to integrate and know), AND our Business Basics and Mindset of a Rich Chick 12-month curriculum!

  • This is your 'dive in and find exactly what you need anytime' GIFT just for claiming your place in the Screw the Rules Mastermind, and has indeed been sold separately to the tune of much much monies!

    I am giving this to you as I know it will support you so much, as it is FUN for me to do so, and as my calling is always to move forward into freshness and NEWness ... hence this brand new mastermind ... whilst also honouring and imparting the incredible power and transformation of my previous work. Plus it is helpful as shit and means there is NOTHING you won't be able to get an answer or an activation on!
  • Rich Chick Foundations 12 month Coaching Curriculum: the advanced mindset and strategy of being wildly successful online. This 12-month curriculum takes you weekly (with a monthly focus) through everything you need to know to simply BE that person, in business, with money, with life – yours automatically as the badass leader, messenger and creator that you are, and is a $20,000 Coaching Course included FREE with your membership!
  • Business Basics & Mindset of a Rich Chick 12 Month Coaching Curriculum: hit the ground running in all areas of your business and life! Our Biz Basics & Mindset of a Rich Chick curriculum is specifically designed these to help you build, design and create your empire from the ground up AND to go back and create greater automation and flow if you’re already well underway. This is where we bring to life the inner game side of things so you can take your business and life to the next level! Biz Basics is the second $20,000 Coaching Course included FREE with your membership!
  • Screw the Rules Map and Daily / Wkly / Ongoing Accountability! Like anyone, you can get caught up in what you think you ‘should’ be doing, and it’s so important to have people in your life who GET your particular brand of madness, and who will remind you when you’re not living into it. You will make even MORE money, with more of what actually feels ‘flow and ease’ to you, when you are in the thick of it and have a LOT going on! We'll hold you to the fire when it's time to acknowledge that a lot of the time when you think you need to slow down and breathe you actually need to wake up and live! As part of this, we've created the Screw the Rules Map which gives you the birds eye view of everything you need to understand and implement, and guides you to knowing exactly how each day should be used. Which we then hold you accountable to!
  • Email access to our Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute coaches for anytime you need that extra personal guidance or support
  • BONUS Rebel Millionaire Resource Library covering every possible behind the scenes and extra thing you might want or need to dive into! A searchable library of HUNDREDS of videos, worksheets, trainings, audios, tools, covering literally every possible thing you could want or need to know how to do, or desire to integrate and know. This $10,000 bonus is yours free with your Screw the Rules membership, and is the most GOLD filled and well-organized, collated, categorized and searchable digital creator library out there! Meaning you can dive in anytime and find exactly what you’re feeling you want to learn about, whilst simultaneously tapping in to Kat energy from all time!

    Screw the Rules Client Love!

    The ONLY Place to Be on the 'Net for the #RebelMillionaire Entrepreneur Who KNOWS It Gets to Be On Their Terms!
    When we had the initial download for Screw the Rules (before we knew the name!) it was around creating a membership to support you to journey through two high level coaching curriculums, each of which is a full 12 months of structured, deep dive, modulated, and highly detailed, and each of which is a $19,999 coaching program.

    These programs are our Rich Chick Coaching Foundations,

    and our Business Basics and Mindset of a Rich Chick (both described above).

    Our thinking was simple: We want to guide you to understand, implement, activate, apply, and become every different element of a wildly successful and soul-led business / human! And these curriculums were designed in their individual ways to do just that. Not a stone left unturned!

    So it made sense, right? Month by month, and week by week, and with support and structure, you can work through everything you need to know, and we can teach you exactly how to implement it all to fully build the business and life you’re here for, no matter where you’re starting from!

    Thing is, we create these structured curriculums which truly cover everything, so that our peeps can systematically work through and learn, well, everything! Implementing as they go on the practical and the mindset / identity!”

    So we are giving it all to you in the most practical and expansive way possible.

    And we are combining it with daily, weekly and monthly support from the absolute best in the world at TRUE purpose-driven and soul-led business by being fully you!
    I know you might be wondering if it can really be this good, and the simple answer?

    Of course it fucking can.

    It's only what you were born for, and it's exactly why we created this place for you, because baby -


    As you come Screw the Rules with us,


    Hit the button below to contact me via PM, and myself and the amazing Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute will speak personally with you about how Screw the Rules can help you! It's time!
    Hit the pink button above to contact me via PM and myself and the Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute team will discuss how Screw The Rules can best help you right now, as well as to run you through details, investment of course, and anything else you would like to know.  We can't wait to welcome you into our incredible low cost mastermind - the only place to be on the 'Net for the #RebelMillionaire badass who is ready to just claim more.

    Details Person, and Wanna Know More? Scroll for the Lowdown on Inclusions!
    When it comes to understanding how to create epic results and success in both your business and life there are foundational principles and concepts I believe every entrepreneur – no matter where you are on your business journey, should understand and feel confident about.

    The Rich Chick Coaching Foundations is the advanced mindset and strategy of being wildly successful online, modulated month by month for 12 months with 12 incredibly deep dive areas each of which took me years to understand, and is built around me teaching you the absolute musts in each area.

    This 12-month curriculum takes you weekly (with a monthly focus) through everything you need to know to simply BE that person, in business, with money, with life – yours automatically as the badass leader, messenger and creator that you are. The Rich Chick Coaching Foundations offers incredible support and a clear pathway to follow as you build and grow your dream business and life!

    Month One: Where Money Comes From

    There are solid principles of where money comes from, which, as I'm sure I don't have to tell you, FAR transcend simply ideas of 'what you need to sell or how to sell it in order to get paid'.

    Month Two: The Needle Movers of a Soul-Led Biz

    Exactly as it says. There are SO many things to consider ... maybe!! ... when it comes to creating business from soul. For myself and my clients it is and ever becomes an effortless 'knowing'. This month is about identifying what the TRUE needle movers are for you, and to activate that part of you who shows up for 'em!

    This is less about productivity and 'what to do' ... (even though it is that), and more about how to always be in the ebb and flow of what IS. How to instinctively know the moves to make. How to hold tension until the moment you are MEANT to release it, and act. How to get the MAXIMUM return with only the PERFECT input of effort, time and focus. And also how to consistently move forward on the things that get to make up your daily flow, whilst also letting the bigger picture things come to life.
    ​Basically, how to be the person whilst feeling as though every single day is just flow and ease!

    Month Three: Unveiling Your Message and Soul Work

    YOWEEE, this is so good, SO fun, and let's be honest, so freakin' needed to dive ALL the way into! ​This month we sort out any and all would-be blocks and get you ALL the way into unapologetic FULL yes and flow around exactly what you're here to share with the world, and exactly how to share it.

    Month Four: Soulmate Client Attraction & Sales

    For the messenger who shows up, does the work, knows that the way is within, and is ready to 10x or more your online results ... all while running even DEEPER into your own truth, and claiming what's yours! 

    Month Five: Success Mindset, and Becoming the Leader Now

    Let's be honest: success is not about what you do, it's who you ARE, who you choose to BE, and even more than that? What you choose, decide, expect, and ALLOW. Regardless of your own fears, doubts, uncertainties. There is so much powerful work for us to dive into together this during this month!

    Month Six: Product and Offer Creation

    Everything you need to know, understand, and implement relevant to packaging and monetizing TF outta what's in you. Includes ENDLESS templates, examples, case studies you can 'make your own', PLUS the mindset side of getting out of your own way and simply showing up for the successful packaging and monetization of your work!

    Month Seven: Selling Through Being

    Sales is something you GET to back yourself in doing, with full badassery and ownership of OF COURSE YOU SHOULD BUY AND HERE'S WHY, but also? It's something that gets to just become part of you. You get to sell like an absolute soul led sales QUEEN, and? You get to do so without really feeling like you're doing much at all except for flowing in the beautiful dance of being YOU.

    Month Eight: Launch Secrets Revealed

    My best. ALL my best. ​Plus every single in and out. Down to the DOT point. Multi 8-figures created online launch secrets, strategies, hacks, and most of all effortless FLOW.
    The strategy / structure side of things ​AND of course the inner game / being the person side of things. PLUS case studies, examples, templates of every different part of launching you can think of.
    All based on the HUNDREDS of launches big and small I have personally run over the years, plus the best of what I have seen my highest earning from soul clients achieve through our work together!
    ​And that's just for starters!

    Month Nine: Automated Income

    One of my all time favourite things about making the monies online, and having this here EPIC soul flow business where I get to let what's in me out, make an impact AND get paid?? Is that the getting paid bit doesn't depend on my daily, or even weekly, or even at ALL, 'having' to show up. Let me teach you how! 

    Month Ten: LEVERAGING Your Assets

    Continuing on from our focus on automation, this month I'll be getting into the nitty gritty of a fully leveraged business and YOU, in a multitude of ways!
    Leverage your money flow ever more, your messaging and content, your sales and marketing, your social media so that it works FOR you.. basically any and all things that you feel SHOULD work for you. Because if you feel it? You're feeling something you're being shown. And what you are shown is real. So let's make it so!

    Month Eleven: Principles of Receiving

    Maybe my favouritest and the bestest one yet. We will play in the space where everything you dream of and desire already exists, and I'll show you precisely how to snap it from 'there', from being the stuff of your dreams and one day fantasies into, well, being where it damn well should be. ​Here! We'll talk what it really takes to fully open the portals of receiving in all the ways you desire to and know you SHOULD. The even better bestest bit? This stuff is SO freaking fun!

    Month Twelve: Advanced Wealth Creation

    Where else would we finish our RICH CHICK FOUNDATIONS except with Advanced Wealth Creation strategies to help you get even MORE out of what you're creating, and to ensure that this incredible work coming out of you is gettin' out into the world in the exact expansive way it should be?!
    ​This month we will not only be feeling into how it gets to look when you truly expect continual money growth and TRUE wealth creation (financial and otherwise), and when you create from that expectation. We will also be looking at some of my favourite practices and choices around building wealth beyond just your business!

    Our Business Basics and Mindset of a Rich Chick focuses specifically on the mindset side of things for both business and life and - 

    Build from the ground up!

    We’ve mapped out and created structured trainings for you on literally everything you need to know on business basics, mindset, growing from ANY stage, and putting everything you need in place no matter where you’re at and what your business is about! I’ve got you covered! 

    We’re talking everything from big picture visioning and dream life creation, to daily money makin’, launch and offer creation (and everything leading up to that), next leveling your outcomes, filling in gaps on money automation and areas where things may have been left undone while you were figuring out how to do this thing, and so much more!

    We have specifically designed these to help you build, design and create your empire from the ground up AND to go back and create greater automation and flow if you’re already well underway. Our Business Basics and Mindset of a Rich Chick is about bringing to life the inner game side of things so you can take your business and life to the next level!

    Business Basics and Mindset of a Rich Chick is the 'down on the ground' what to do and how to do it side of things. This is your ‘on-demand, dive in and find exactly what you need anytime’ curriculum, and the best bit is that with both this and Rich Chick Coaching FoundationsI am opening it ALL up for you from when you join!

    Now for the BONUS! 
    We are giving away our entire Soul-Led Millionaire resource library covering every possible behind the scenes and extra thing you might want or need to dive into! 

    A searchable library of HUNDREDS of videos, worksheets, trainings, audios, tools, covering literally every possible thing you could want or need to know how to do, or desire to integrate and know. 

    We’ve left nothing out! All yours automatically on joining The Screw The Rules Mastermind!

    Netflix? It’s got nothin’ on being in The Screw the Rules mastermind! 
    Let’s get real here, about what it takes to be heard, to be seen, to make an IMPACT, and to make millions and millions of fabulous dollars –

    It is NOT being a good or even a great marketer, although no doubt you WILL be, and the artist, the creator, the revolutionary leader, the MESSENGER inside of you is already a natural of that.

    It is NOT having a great strategy, a system, putting ‘wheels on the thing’, or building the perfect fucking funnel..

    It is NOT, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO, it is NOT making or thinking about or crafting or in ANY way following a PLAN for growth, a PLAN for more money, a PLAN to be bigger, and seen, and paid.

    It is ONLY one thing, and that is this:


    Take a look around …

    EVERY time it’s worked like magic fucking unicorn flow has been when you FOLLOWED the magical fucking unicorn flow.

    EVERYBODY who you follow or deeply admire or aspire to in some way be like is shining their LIGHT and following THEIR flow, and saying FUCK YOU to the system and the rules, NOT because they are an aggressive rebel but just ’cause they know that the FOCUS must be on what is inside of them.

    These are the reasons you admire or follow them …

    This is what your heart knows is the way for YOU …

    Time to get back to the madness gorgeous.


    It’s time to Screw the Rules and say yes to being fully you! 

    About Katrina Ruth & The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute

    The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute is The Worlds Premier Business & Success Coaching Institute for Driven Entrepreneurs & Creators Who Know They Can Have it All.

    Our founder and CEO, Katrina Ruth has spent 17 years online, bringing to life a body of work that is unrivalled in any other coaching Institute or coach on the planet. She has created over 300 different products and programs and made over $20,000,000 (yes, 20 million dollars) online (and have several other offline companies and business, plus investments!) just by speaking her truth and following the path of her soul, breaking any and all rules, and also – and this is our fave! – really just being all of HER. 
    At The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute our mission is to inspire, educate, motivate, and empower those already driven and ‘know they are born for it’ entrepreneurs, messengers, coaches, leaders, and creators, who are willing to go all in on what's inside of them, to create the business and life of their dreams, and know that it's time.

    From a place of deepest integrity and truth, they will stop at nothing, doing what it takes, no matter what it takes, until it takes, to say fully yes to being everything that they came here to be. 

    The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute houses, the world's premier coaching courses, workshops, programs and live/active communities in the coaching space, all overseen by our founder and CEO, Katrina Ruth, and run by our world class in-house team of business strategists, marketing experts, and highly skilled coaches. Whether it be through a single home study or self-guided course, participation in a live class, being part of our ongoing membership mastermind, joining our incredible coaching certification, participating in a live event, or perhaps even working with Kat personally, we know that The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute is the place your soul has been looking for this entire time, and the home where the business, money, and life, you know, is there for you finally comes through.

    We are so happy to welcome you into The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute family with this intake of Screw the Rules, or to welcome you back as a returning student!

    Ready to fucking claim it. To recognise that the hardest work in the world is to march into our dreams without looking back, and to choose to be the version of us we know we’re meant for, every damn day, with zero availability for anything except seeing it ALL come to life.

    Screw the Rules Client Love!

    The Screw the Rules Mastermind is a low cost mastermind with Kat and the Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute. If you would like to know more about private access to Kat,  please ask when you message.

    Hit the pink button above to contact me via PM and myself and the Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute team will discuss how Screw The Rules can best help you right now, as well as to run you through details, investment of course, and anything else you would like to know.  We can't wait to welcome you into our incredible low cost mastermind - the only place to be on the 'Net for the #RebelMillionaire badass who is ready to just claim more.

    The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute Refund Policy

    All Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute products are non-refundable due to the extreme value of our content. Back yourself to buy things you believe in and know in your GUT are right for you! 
    Copyright © 2022 The Rebel Millionaire Coaching Institute