Unapologetically Extra is back!

Immediate access to the entire 6 weeks of my signature #KatCourse - plus bonuses!

7 days of live ‘ask me anything’ support!

NEW workshop ‘Unapologetically Extra: Making Millions with a Fuck Yes Personal Brand - 2022 Edition!’ - recorded live with you on Tuesday June 14th at 11am Brisbane time // 2am UK // Monday 13th at 6pm LA // 9pm NYC. This will occur via zoom, and be fully recorded!

OG 2018 prices apply!

OH yeah.

Ohhhhhh yeah.

Oh YEAH baby - it's happening, it's time and we is going ALL the way in on this shizniz!

You ready?

Of course you are ...

It's time to get UNAPOLEGTICALLY Extra, beautiful, and THEN some!

We gonna light this bitch UP!

This bitch? The damn INTERNET, girl, what else were you thinking?!

Okay, okay, I'll calm down ... maybe. :)

I'm just a LEETLE bit excited, can you tell? Just a little bit!

This is the immersion of all immersions which I KNOW you need if you in ANY way are suspicious (read: quite fucking certain) that right now you're:

a) not making the MO-nay you should be

b) not as freakin' FAMOUS as you should be

c) about sick and tired of how damn boring you SEEM to be / have become / are worried you might just end up KEEPING on being!

And also?

This is THE thing that's gonna kick your ass if you know that you KNOW that you know that ACTUALLY -

It's time the world knew how damn badass your message and soul work IS, and followed and paid you accordingly!

When I said are you ready -

I already knew that you are.




Unapologetically EXTRA

6 Weeks of UnFILTERED Immersion, with Self-Made Multi-Millionaire Katrina Ruth (meeeeee!), in Which We SCHOOL You (hehe ... FUN school ...) on the Art of Selling and Showing Up FULLY As You, to Get You Famous as FUCK, and of Course PAID Like the 1% Within the 1% Premium Person You KNOW You Are ... All While Having MORE Fun, MORE Shenanigans, and GREATER Ease and Flow Than You Ever Thought Possible!

I know it's wordy.

I'm kinda wordy :)

AND unapologetic about it as well, so there!

Speaking of which ....

Aren't you just a teensy bit DONE with how damn slow going all of this is?

Look, it's true, I'm not going to tell you it's not - !

* You HAVE to stay the course
* You MUST do what it takes
* You gotta do it no MATTER what it takes
* And until it takes
* And then keep going!

If I've said it once, I've said it 1000 times, AND I HAVE.

I stand by all of it!

But also -


I mean ...


Let's get real now. And I'm not saying this to push on your pain points or something silly like that, I'm saying it to wake you the fuck up and remind you of who you ARE -

Your shit?


A little BLAND.

And definitely ... (sit down for this) ... comes off like you tryna be all SWEET and shit.

In other words?


I know WHY, I'm not pretending I don't know -

You've learned, in business but first in life, that SAFE is better.

Be careful.
Not too much.
Don't want people to think of you like one of THOSE women.
And besides ... maybe you ARE a little over the top, maybe it WOULD be better to tone it down, watch what others are doing, be cautious, just for now!




ENOUGH with hiding your light.

ENOUGH with being LESS than.

ENOUGH with trying to fit in, do it 'right', be 'professional'.

ENOUGH with SAYING you're different, but not showing it!

ENOUGH with being scared to SELL, thinking that selling is somehow bad or wrong, or NOT part of your art and what you MUST do!

And enough -

Enough with hoping and praying and wishing on a God damn star that if you JUST keep going for long enough, carefully carefully and just like all the other kids, that somehow one day you'll stop being one of the masses, and become known, seen, and PAID like the premium person you are.

It's not going to happen. Not EVER -

Not unless you flick the damn switch, HARD, and FAST, and NOW, and decide, FINALLY -

To simply be all that you are.

And not a hair less.

THIS is what we're here to do.

Excuse me -

What I'm here to kick your ass into.

WITH love ;)

Shall we talk about how it's going down?


6 Weeks of UNFILTERED IMMERSION to become Unapologetically EXTRA!

For badass mofos who are ready to show up FULLY as who they are, and sell / create / build an empire / live the life they know they're meant to accordingly ... all while having MORE fun, MORE shenanigans and GREATER ease and flow than ever!


I made this for you :)

6 Weeks of Badassery: It Looks Like This!

Here's what we'll be covering and here is what's going down and here's what I EXACTLY want to teach and support you around:

* Being All Of You, and Using That To Your Advantage

Aren't you sick of worrying about which bits are too much ... over the top ... not socially or professionally 'acceptable' ... or about what people would think if they knew the REAL you? The REAL you, ALL of you, is what's gonna get you paid, followed, and INTO the life you're mean to be living. That's just how it works.

* REMEMBERING Who You Always Were

This is about stripping back all the layers which you've allowed to be heaped and piled upon you, and getting back to the core, the soul, the ALL of what you always were.

You, the SO crazy, SO extra, SO full on, SO loud, SO vivacious, so MAGNETIC natural born leader who people CAN'T LOOK AWAY FROM. Word to the wise: being 'famous' (on or offline) and also making a lot of money and truly doing your purpose work, REQUIRES you to unleash the madness. So, that's what we're going to do.

* Coming Up With Offers That Sell AND Fuel Your Soul

I am the absolute Queen of making shit up and throwing it at the internet. And, it works. To the tune of multi-millions of dollars per year of FLOW based income. A lot of this is about - I learned to get the fuck out of my own way, and just allow what's inside of me OUT. You HAVE to look at your message and art almost as though it's its own entity. Stop trying to kill what's inside of you! So that's part of it. But also -

After 12 years marketing online I know what sells, period, and I know how to connect it to your soul work so that it lights YOU up. Period :)

Can't wait to dive in to THIS bit with you!

* The Art of Selling Magnetically, and Activating the Emotions of YES in Your Buyers

Yessss! Selling gets to be fun, easier, automatic, just like clicking your fingers! People get to PAY you with ease and from flow and just for being you! This is SO how it's meant to be. I used to think selling was HARD, SCARY, difficult ... and I would resist it as much as I could, which just made me FEEL bad ... followed by eventually doing it but feeling DRAINED AND EXHAUSTED as a result. It was this never-ending battle ...

Now? SO freakin' different. I LOVE selling, and I truly consider it my ART ... 'cause it is!

Needless to say, changing my mindset on selling has made it SO much easier! I never have to think or worry about it. It just happens. And I just get paid. By #beingmorekat. As it should be ;)

Now - your turn!

* Flow-Based Branding and Marketing

EVERYTHING in your biz should get to flow, with ease, straight out of you, by being ALL of you. As with selling, so with branding and marketing and indeed EVERY aspect of how you show up online, yes even for the so-called 'fancy' bits like your funnel or automated emails.

Fuck the rules! Fuck the ideas of being professional or polished or pretty or just so. None of it MATTERS! People don't CARE! YOUR people don't care! What they WANT, and what you HAVE to finally get on with and unleash, is YOU baby. YOU JUST BEING YOU is the BEST possible marketing and branding you could ever throw good money at. But, it takes ALL of you, and of course it does also take knowing how to CONVERT that stuff inside of you INTO effective marketing, branding, and yes, of course, more selling.

I'm gonna teach you. And then? Support you to DO it!

* Speed of Execution

There's no doubt about it, I am one of THE fastest people on the internet at getting shit done, especially at creating and launching, but also for just the day to day EVERYTHING. I do NOT sacrifice -

My health and fitness
Time with my kids
My relationships
'Me' time

NONE of it.

I used to! And, well, that didn't work for me. But it also didn't work for me to not get ALL the shit I want done! So, I figured out how to 'hack' the system. The truth is that what most people think is reality is SO NOT. I choose to live in a world where things happen fast, according to my specifications, ALWAYS.

One of my tricks is - I know exactly what COUNTS. I know how to get to the crux of each task or activity and JUST do the bit that has an impact. So this is EXACTLY what I want to help YOU cut to the core of.

MOST shit people think they have to do is.not.necessary. So we're gonna cut it!

* My Entire Launch Process, the Cheat Sheet Version

Everything you need to know. 'nuff said!

* Clearing Your Shit Around Whether You're Good Enough

Let's get real here, there's no point knowing what to DO, or even stripping back to where we can identify and remember all you're meant to BE, if there's a whole bunch of self-worth shit ruling you.

Believe it or not, I've spent most of my LIFE feeling insecure, not good enough, and like people don't like me. Me the 'badass' was something I CREATED, by looking inside of me to what I knew was available.

But, it took work, and practice. To this day, people who've known me for years comment on how 'crazy' it is that everybody thinks I AM this confident extroverted person! The Katrina my family and friends know, and even who YOU will know if we meet in real life, has as many insecurities and uncertainties as anyone! I just got REALLY REALLY good at being driven by my purpose, and I learned to clear my shit on repeat.

I'm going to share with you my MOST powerful practices and tools for clearing YOUR inner demons, and the things that hold you back, no matter HOW much they've up till now ruled you, so that you can BE ALL YOU ARE! This work alone is worth doing this entire course for.

* Letting Your Personality Drive Your Sales

Know what's even more fun than being your most 'free' and random / crazy / silly / whatever??

Using it to make you the monies and help you to get your purpose work OUT there!!

This is NOT just about 'you get to be you', AND you get to make a fuckload of money, from soul.

This is about deliberately and specifically learning how to access and USE the most 'full on' parts of you, to translate into PEOPLE CAN'T LOOK AWAY, AND THEN THEY DO WHAT YOU SAY.

If you've ever watched me in 'entertainer mode' or 'preacher mode' on a livestream, you'll know what I mean.

This is not something that just 'happens' ... even though it is QUITE automated now ... but really what it's about is letting what's already IN there, out. As we've already spoken about ;) ... but just ... even more.

* Using Intuition to Know What to Sell - How to Sell It - How to Post for Maximum Results on Social Media - And More!

It's really really simple -

When you say yes to soul, life says yes to you.

This is true in ALL areas.

The only thing is - knowing how to LISTEN to soul, and see and hear what it's guiding you to do, whether comfortable or no.

I'll teach you how to be daily (all day) connected to your intuition, know exactly what it's desiring and requiring, and essentially ALWAYS have access to the blueprint within.

* How to 'Turn Up the Dial', and Increase Your Income Consistently, and Keep It Up

Exactly what it says :)

Precisely how I continually increase my income, and have repeatedly shifted past fear to be able to do so.

I'll teach you the exact mindset as well as the practical shizniz I do in order to ALWAYS be dialing income up to the next level.

* How to Fully Be the Badass Leader Even If You Don't Feel Confident, Energetically, Physically or Otherwise ... and, How to Show Up in Spite of Fears of What Others Think or Will Say - OWNING Your Badassery, No Matter What

This is big! So many people say or think they can't show up the way someone like me does because they feel as though I have something they don't, as far as being SO sure of myself.

As already referenced though - this is not how it works. Being a badass and showing up fully as you is a MINDSET, and it's a choice, and it comes with daily practice and attention. I'm SO passionate about this, as there's no way I'd have the business I have right now if I didn't understand this!

I want to show you the mantras, affirmations, beliefs and also of course the 'how' of the practical side of things of how I DO do this. IT'S AVAILABLE FOR YOU NOW, JUST AS IT IS FOR ME, AND YOU KNOW THIS.

* Being an Ideas Machine, and How I Do It

I NEVER run out of ideas. I can't possibly keep up with or launch everything that comes through me! And - they're all really GOOD ideas, too! This is a PRACTICE, and it's also to do with permission and internal allowance and expectation. We're going to work on BEING the person who expects, allows, and has permission to let ALL that is inside them out.

* Millionaire Mindset Training and Manifestation - Exactly How I Do It

Secret ;)

Fun secret :)

MONEY makin' secret!!

Ready? Had enough of just PLAYING, and ready to actually play LIFE, the way you know it's meant to be?! Ready to show up FULLY and sell, receive, get paid, and even, yes, FAMOUS, all whilst having the very best time ever?!

Let's goooooooo!

About Your Mentor, Katrina Ruth

I’m Katrina Ruth. I’m a self-made multi-millionaire, and I work with successful badasses like YOU, who kick their OWN ass already, who were always gonna do and BE the damn thing, but who maybe want me to kick their ass that little bit harder. I love God, following soul, running EVER deeper into trust, and plenty of strong black coffee and gritty red wine. 

What I do?? I flick the damn switch for the called ones, and I get you ALL riled up on your own YOU-ness, as I help you remember who you always were - and then become it.

I currently live on the Gold Coast of Australia, and I’m Mum to my two beautiful children, Alyssa and Nathan. I also recently got re-married to their Dad, Enzo. We divorced 5 years ago and are re-married this year! I travel a LOT with my business (sometimes with the fam, sometimes not, a little more restricted these days but still on the go!), and my business allows me to be fully location free.

After many MANY years of not going all in, NOT speaking my truth or doing what I really wanted to do in the world, I finally said yes to purpose and sharing my deep soul message, AND to doing the damn work, and now, well –
Here we are.

I have been fortunate enough to build up an INCREDIBLE online community of driven entrepreneurs and leaders and creators, and each day I get to do what I always wanted to do, which is to motivate, educate, empower and inspire you to press play and create the business and life YOU want.

I’ve made over $20,000,000 (yes, 20 million dollars) online (and have several other offline companies and business, plus investments!) just by speaking my truth and following the path of my soul, breaking any and all rules that don’t feel fuck yes for me, and also – and this is my fave! – really just being ME. Yeah, I might have some fancier stuff now than when I started, but my business was built on, and still runs on, me being the girl who just loves to write and say what needs to be said running around usually in her gym gear as a hot mess, in between being a Mum and wife and just, well, living life!

You do NOT have to be anything other than who and what you already are to create all of this. Other than just that part of you who you’ve not yet dared to own, hmmm?! But you sure as shit don’t need to be polished, prepared, perfect. I’m still not! And never will be. What you do need to be is this:

Ready to fucking claim it. To recognise that yeah, the hardest work in the world is to march into our dreams without looking back, and to choose to be the version of us we know we’re meant for, every damn day, with zero availability for anything except seeing it ALL come to life.

Still not sure? Well ... honestly, I DO only suggest taking action on things your soul is screaming YES to! But I also know that sometimes there's things you're still not sure of, so here's what else I have for you.

Immediate access to the entire 6 weeks of my signature #KatCourse - plus bonuses!

7 days of live ‘ask me anything’ support!

NEW workshop ‘Unapologetically Extra: Making Millions with a Fuck Yes Personal Brand - 2022 Edition!’ - recorded live with you on 
Tuesday June 14th at 11am Brisbane time // 2am UK // Monday 13th at 6pm LA // 9pm NYC. This will occur via zoom, and be fully recorded!

OG 2018 prices apply - payment plan available! 

Because I Know There's Always More Than Just the 'Core' Content - Bonuses!

BONUS 1 —> “Fly on the Wall” at The Katrina Ruth Show Bonus Calls … Times Two!

Before now NOTHING like this had ever been released!  

Each week I have a private call with myself and the The Katrina Ruth Show COO Ash Gregory.

We discuss The State of The Universe (obvs) -
Our perspective as an online company which consistently produces hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue -

EVERYTHING we are doing right now for money flow and growth -

All our current and upcoming live launches -

Our automation and funnel adjustments -

EVERYTHING that is working RIGHT NOW to make da monies and get us and our clients ever closer to where we wanna be.

This bonus includes access to not one but TWO unfiltered conversation between the two of us!
You get to listen in on the edge of your seat and hear just how things go down at The Katrina Ruth Show. Includes live ‘in the moment’ ahas / breakdowns / smackdowns to self, and multi-7-figure biz idea-storming from Kat herself!

This is basically a backstage pass to not only The Katrina Ruth Show, but to the mind of Katrina Ruth, and how she comes up with ideas that sell, as well as also naturally tunes in on the marketing and sales twists and turns to make those extra $, from soul, on the daily!!

This is a ONE time opportunity to go behind the scenes not just conceptually, but in terms of hearing exactly what we are doing right now, and upcoming, and how we are doing it! You’ll be taking pages and pages of notes, and leave this bonus feeling inspired and READY to take money-makin’ action now!

Bonus #1, your “Fly on the Wall” bonus is valued at $997.00!

BONUS 2 —-> “A Day In The Life of Katrina Ruth!” Audio Training!

This training is probably the most detailed and personal thing I’ve shared in terms of what my day to day life looks like and involves and how I’ve created my dream business and life I now live. It is also the training which MOST tends to get people DMing me and saying that ‘that was the best thing I have ever HEARD of yours!’ this audio training is jam packed with the goods!

Here’s the thing: 
Over the years I’ve noticed there’s a perception that some people online do life differently or some fancier way than anyone else, and it’s just not true.

I believe that everyone can have it all and create THEIR life on THEIR terms regardless. Say, if they’re a single mum of two (like myself) and running a Multi-Million Dollar Empire, for example? 

In this audio training you’ll hear how I actually make it pretty simple to have a level of discipline routine WHILE also never compromising on being the kind of Mum I want to be, or having time for me. It’s all about knowing where and how to swing the bat!

I’m super excited about this bonus, you’re going to absolutely love it!

Here is some of what I shared:  
• How important having an inner work practice is and what mine looks like
• How I leverage time like a mofo and how you can too
• How I create all of my content and have the TIME to do it
• Why I don’t read and edit any of my content and just hit publish on all things- straight up!
• Why I don’t wait for ‘perfect’ and instead choose to produce content - consistently!
• How I get to live this life and do what I do
• How to keep the disciplined
• My daily non-negotiables
• How I have created and found the right team for me
• Expanding and Contracting time
• Mindset, kicking your own butt, how to do that, vs knowing when to step back and apuse
• How to be in flow with your daily and tasks
• How to NOT be available for anything other then flow
• Prioritisation
• What a typical day looks like for me

I want to show you that what I do day to day IS normal life!

I can’t wait to hear what your biggest aha is from this incredible training!

Bonus #2, your “Day in the Life of Katrina Ruth” bonus is valued at $497!

BONUS 3 —-> The “OMFG How Can This Be Real” Bonus!

THIS is literally one of THE highest value and most “OMFG” things that has ever been released or known of, to man or womankind!

All the more so because it was LOST IN THE BOWELS OF THE KATRINA RUTH SHOW DROPBOX FOR YEARS! Years and years in fact! 

My Long-Lost 100k Months Step-by-Step Blueprint Formula!

Recovered only a few months ago, and NEVER before offered for sale, nor for any sort of ongoing access!
I wrote this when I had my first 100k month online (after which I went on to consistently make 6-figure months, and, as of about 9 months after that, consistently multiple 6-figure months, ever since). 

So what you will read is EXACTLY (step by step no less) down to the smallest detail, the finest little point, the PRECISE Hidden Blueprint Formula of how I CRACKED THE 100k per month mark! Even if I were to write about 100k months NOW … it would be from a perspective OF now. And so what is in this Blueprint is literally one of a kind. 

Wherever you are BEFORE the 100k month, this will speak to what you need to know, understand and DO in order to get there.

This is exactly what I wish I knew and implemented when I first started to market online, what I thought was SO scary and hard, or that I just wasn't ready for, and so therefore put off doing for 5.full.years!

This bonus included 7 Stages of how you can crack 100K month any beyond!

And you get it for free!

It’s all based on precisely what I myself have done every step of the way to get all the way to a consistent Multiple 7-Figure per year and Multiple 6-Figure per month income! 

I created this for the badass messenger, the coach, the leader, the revolutionary who knows they are leaving money on the table and is ready to STOP DOING THAT.

I created it for you!

Bonus #3, your “OMFG How Can This Be Real ” is valued at $697!

Your TOTAL BONUS VALUE OVER $2,191 - available ONLY when you join today! It’s my gift to you when you get in one of my ALL time fave foundational courses, my 6-week Program - Unapologetically Extra!

Immediate access to the entire 6 weeks of my signature #KatCourse - plus bonuses!

7 days of live ‘ask me anything’ support!

NEW workshop ‘Unapologetically Extra: Making Millions with a Fuck Yes Personal Brand - 2022 Edition!’ - recorded live with you on 
Tuesday June 14th at 11am Brisbane time // 2am UK // Monday 13th at 6pm LA // 9pm NYC. This will occur via zoom, and be fully recorded!

OG 2018 prices apply - payment plan available! 

Here's the reality on how WE get paid -

On getting paid to be a leader / performer / be YOU

If we don't show up, light up, entertain / engage and be magnetic as FUCK, we don't get paid.

If we don't 'feel like it', and so we let our energy be flat, down, or we simply don't turn on the camera / write the post, we don't get paid.

If our vibe is lowwwwwww, and we're moping around all woe is me, we don't get paid.

If we show up with an APOLOGETIC, 'I hope you like me' energy, we don't get paid.

If we fail to be SEEN AND HEARD FROM THE HEAVENS, we don't get paid.

This is not like a job (duh, but are you THINKING of this?), where you can cruise through the day and get away with it, knowing you'll still get paid either way so long as your tasks are done. Sure, you may not advance, but you'll collect your check.

As entrepreneurs, we don’t have that choice.

We have to bring the energy, TRAIN ourselves to bring the energy, refuse to accept anything less but bringing the energy and being ALL of who we are, too bad if you're feeling 'off', you wanna get paid or nah?

Can you imagine Tony Robbins showing up onstage all flat and mopey?? Of course not! Do you think he NEVER HAS A DAY WHERE HE'S NOT IN THE ZONE OR FEELING LIKE SHIT? Of course he has those days! But the audience doesn't know about it. And so he gets PAID.

Now sure, I also fully agree, and am the first to often say, of COURSE you can get paid for 'doing nothing', for just BEING, while you sleep and also WITHOUT showing up ...

But let's get clear here -

That is a PRODUCT of the fact that you ARE the person who shows the fuck up and lets herself be seen.

All day every day? No, of course not. But YES - whenever it's needed, and you know that that's what you WOULD be doing in this moment if you were being unapologetically EXTRA, aka unapologetically you!

Don't you see?

It's not enough to just do the damn thing, you have to BE the damn thing, and then some.

This is your mission.
This is your calling.
This is what you can't NOT, and it's killing you, draining you, FADING you, that you don't, and that you allow your bullshit to be bigger than your dreams.

This is your damn JOB, bitch.

And just like anybody else, if you don't do your job? Girlfriend ain't gettin' paid.

So enough with the stories and the drama, and enough with letting anything other than WHO YOU TRULY ARE MEANT TO BE rule you.

Today, show up. Do the damn work. BE the damn work. And get.fucking.paid.

Oh, and also, of COURSE - come say yes to working with me in #UnapologeticallyExtra. It's extra as FUCKKKKKK - but so are you, yeah? 

Unapologetically EXTRA IS HERE!

6 Weeks of UnFILTERED Immersion, with Self-Made Multi-Millionaire Katrina Ruth (meeeeee!)!

I’m going to SCHOOL You (hehe ... FUN school ...) on the Art of Selling and Showing Up FULLY As You, to Get You Famous as FUCK, and of Course PAID Like the 1% Within the 1% Premium Person You KNOW You Are ...

All While Having MORE Fun, MORE Shenanigans, and GREATER Ease and Flow Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Are you coming on this ride with me? 

Aren’t you just a teensy bit DONE with how damn slow going all of this is?

Look, it’s true, I’m not going to tell you it’s not – !

* You HAVE to stay the course

* You MUST do what it takes

* You gotta do it no MATTER what it takes

* And until it takes

* And then keep going!

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 1000 times, AND I HAVE.
I stand by all of it!

But also –


I mean …


Let’s get real now. And I’m not saying this to push on your pain points or something silly like that, I’m saying it to wake you the fuck up and remind you of who you ARE –

Your shit?


A little BLAND.

And definitely … (sit down for this) … comes off like you tryna be all SWEET and shit.

In other words?


I know WHY, I’m not pretending I don’t know –

You’ve learned, in business but first in life, that SAFE is better.

Be careful.
Not too much.
Don’t want people to think of you like one of THOSE women.

And besides … maybe you ARE a little over the top, maybe it WOULD be better to tone it down, watch what others are doing, be cautious, just for now!



ENOUGH with hiding your light.
ENOUGH with being LESS than.
ENOUGH with trying to fit in, do it ‘right’, be ‘professional’.
ENOUGH with SAYING you’re different, but not showing it!
ENOUGH with being scared to SELL, thinking that selling is somehow bad or wrong, or NOT part of your art and what you MUST do!

This is the immersion of all immersions which I KNOW you need if you in ANY way are suspicious (read: quite fucking certain) that right now you’re:

a) not making the MO-nay you should be
b) not as freakin’ FAMOUS as you should be
c) about sick and tired of how damn boring you SEEM to be / have become / are worried you might just end up KEEPING on being!

And also?

This is THE thing that’s gonna kick your ass if you know that you KNOW that you know that ACTUALLY –

It’s time the world knew how damn badass your message and soul work IS, and followed and paid you accordingly!

Of course you’re fucking ready!

It’s time to get UNAPOLEGTICALLY Extra, beautiful, and THEN some!

6 Weeks of UNFILTERED IMMERSION … plus whatever else I inevitably tack on to THAT! 

For badass mofos who are ready to show up FULLY as who they are, and sell / create / build an empire / live the life they know they're meant to accordingly ... all while having MORE fun, MORE shenanigans and GREATER ease and flow than ever!


I made this for you :)

6 Weeks of Badassery: It Looks Like This!

Here's what we'll be covering and here is what's going down and here's what I EXACTLY want to teach and support you around:

* Being All Of You, and Using That To Your Advantage

Aren't you sick of worrying about which bits are too much ... over the top ... not socially or professionally 'acceptable' ... or about what people would think if they knew the REAL you? The REAL you, ALL of you, is what's gonna get you paid, followed, and INTO the life you're mean to be living. That's just how it works.

* REMEMBERING Who You Always Were

This is about stripping back all the layers which you've allowed to be heaped and piled upon you, and getting back to the core, the soul, the ALL of what you always were.

You, the SO crazy, SO extra, SO full on, SO loud, SO vivacious, so MAGNETIC natural born leader who people CAN'T LOOK AWAY FROM. Word to the wise: being 'famous' (on or offline) and also making a lot of money and truly doing your purpose work, REQUIRES you to unleash the madness. So, that's what we're going to do.

* Coming Up With Offers That Sell AND Fuel Your Soul

I am the absolute Queen of making shit up and throwing it at the internet. And, it works. To the tune of multi-millions of dollars per year of FLOW based income. A lot of this is about - I learned to get the fuck out of my own way, and just allow what's inside of me OUT. You HAVE to look at your message and art almost as though it's its own entity. Stop trying to kill what's inside of you! So that's part of it. But also -

After 12 years marketing online I know what sells, period, and I know how to connect it to your soul work so that it lights YOU up. Period :)

Can't wait to dive in to THIS bit with you!

* The Art of Selling Magnetically, and Activating the Emotions of YES in Your Buyers

Yessss! Selling gets to be fun, easier, automatic, just like clicking your fingers! People get to PAY you with ease and from flow and just for being you! This is SO how it's meant to be. I used to think selling was HARD, SCARY, difficult ... and I would resist it as much as I could, which just made me FEEL bad ... followed by eventually doing it but feeling DRAINED AND EXHAUSTED as a result. It was this never-ending battle ...

Now? SO freakin' different. I LOVE selling, and I truly consider it my ART ... 'cause it is!

Needless to say, changing my mindset on selling has made it SO much easier! I never have to think or worry about it. It just happens. And I just get paid. By #beingmorekat. As it should be ;)

Now - your turn!

* Flow-Based Branding and Marketing

EVERYTHING in your biz should get to flow, with ease, straight out of you, by being ALL of you. As with selling, so with branding and marketing and indeed EVERY aspect of how you show up online, yes even for the so-called 'fancy' bits like your funnel or automated emails.

Fuck the rules! Fuck the ideas of being professional or polished or pretty or just so. None of it MATTERS! People don't CARE! YOUR people don't care! What they WANT, and what you HAVE to finally get on with and unleash, is YOU baby. YOU JUST BEING YOU is the BEST possible marketing and branding you could ever throw good money at. But, it takes ALL of you, and of course it does also take knowing how to CONVERT that stuff inside of you INTO effective marketing, branding, and yes, of course, more selling.

I'm gonna teach you. And then? Support you to DO it!

* Speed of Execution

There's no doubt about it, I am one of THE fastest people on the internet at getting shit done, especially at creating and launching, but also for just the day to day EVERYTHING. I do NOT sacrifice -

My health and fitness
Time with my kids
My relationships
'Me' time

NONE of it.

I used to! And, well, that didn't work for me. But it also didn't work for me to not get ALL the shit I want done! So, I figured out how to 'hack' the system. The truth is that what most people think is reality is SO NOT. I choose to live in a world where things happen fast, according to my specifications, ALWAYS.

One of my tricks is - I know exactly what COUNTS. I know how to get to the crux of each task or activity and JUST do the bit that has an impact. So this is EXACTLY what I want to help YOU cut to the core of.

MOST shit people think they have to do is.not.necessary. So we're gonna cut it!

* My Entire Launch Process, the Cheat Sheet Version

Everything you need to know. 'nuff said!

* Clearing Your Shit Around Whether You're Good Enough

Let's get real here, there's no point knowing what to DO, or even stripping back to where we can identify and remember all you're meant to BE, if there's a whole bunch of self-worth shit ruling you.

Believe it or not, I've spent most of my LIFE feeling insecure, not good enough, and like people don't like me. Me the 'badass' was something I CREATED, by looking inside of me to what I knew was available.

But, it took work, and practice. To this day, people who've known me for years comment on how 'crazy' it is that everybody thinks I AM this confident extroverted person! The Katrina my family and friends know, and even who YOU will know if we meet in real life, has as many insecurities and uncertainties as anyone! I just got REALLY REALLY good at being driven by my purpose, and I learned to clear my shit on repeat.

I'm going to share with you my MOST powerful practices and tools for clearing YOUR inner demons, and the things that hold you back, no matter HOW much they've up till now ruled you, so that you can BE ALL YOU ARE! This work alone is worth doing this entire course for.

* Letting Your Personality Drive Your Sales

Know what's even more fun than being your most 'free' and random / crazy / silly / whatever??

Using it to make you the monies and help you to get your purpose work OUT there!!

This is NOT just about 'you get to be you', AND you get to make a fuckload of money, from soul.

This is about deliberately and specifically learning how to access and USE the most 'full on' parts of you, to translate into PEOPLE CAN'T LOOK AWAY, AND THEN THEY DO WHAT YOU SAY.

If you've ever watched me in 'entertainer mode' or 'preacher mode' on a livestream, you'll know what I mean.

This is not something that just 'happens' ... even though it is QUITE automated now ... but really what it's about is letting what's already IN there, out. As we've already spoken about ;) ... but just ... even more.

* Using Intuition to Know What to Sell - How to Sell It - How to Post for Maximum Results on Social Media - And More!

It's really really simple -

When you say yes to soul, life says yes to you.

This is true in ALL areas.

The only thing is - knowing how to LISTEN to soul, and see and hear what it's guiding you to do, whether comfortable or no.

I'll teach you how to be daily (all day) connected to your intuition, know exactly what it's desiring and requiring, and essentially ALWAYS have access to the blueprint within.

* How to 'Turn Up the Dial', and Increase Your Income Consistently, and Keep It Up

Exactly what it says :)

Precisely how I continually increase my income, and have repeatedly shifted past fear to be able to do so.

I'll teach you the exact mindset as well as the practical shizniz I do in order to ALWAYS be dialing income up to the next level.

* How to Fully Be the Badass Leader Even If You Don't Feel Confident, Energetically, Physically or Otherwise ... and, How to Show Up in Spite of Fears of What Others Think or Will Say - OWNING Your Badassery, No Matter What

This is big! So many people say or think they can't show up the way someone like me does because they feel as though I have something they don't, as far as being SO sure of myself.

As already referenced though - this is not how it works. Being a badass and showing up fully as you is a MINDSET, and it's a choice, and it comes with daily practice and attention. I'm SO passionate about this, as there's no way I'd have the business I have right now if I didn't understand this!

I want to show you the mantras, affirmations, beliefs and also of course the 'how' of the practical side of things of how I DO do this. IT'S AVAILABLE FOR YOU NOW, JUST AS IT IS FOR ME, AND YOU KNOW THIS.

* Being an Ideas Machine, and How I Do It

I NEVER run out of ideas. I can't possibly keep up with or launch everything that comes through me! And - they're all really GOOD ideas, too! This is a PRACTICE, and it's also to do with permission and internal allowance and expectation. We're going to work on BEING the person who expects, allows, and has permission to let ALL that is inside them out.

* Millionaire Mindset Training and Manifestation - Exactly How I Do It

Secret ;)

Fun secret :)

MONEY makin' secret!!

Ready? Had enough of just PLAYING, and ready to actually play LIFE, the way you know it's meant to be?! Ready to show up FULLY and sell, receive, get paid, and even, yes, FAMOUS, all whilst having the very best time ever?!

Let's goooooooo!

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7 days of live ‘ask me anything’ support!

NEW workshop ‘Unapologetically Extra: Making Millions with a Fuck Yes Personal Brand - 2022 Edition!’ - recorded live with you on 
Tuesday June 14th at 11am Brisbane time // 2am UK // Monday 13th at 6pm LA // 9pm NYC. This will occur via zoom, and be fully recorded!

OG 2018 prices apply - payment plan available! 

Immediate access to the entire 6 weeks of my signature #KatCourse - plus bonuses!

7 days of live ‘ask me anything’ support!

NEW workshop ‘Unapologetically Extra: Making Millions with a Fuck Yes Personal Brand - 2022 Edition!’ - recorded live with you on 
Tuesday June 14th at 11am Brisbane time // 2am UK // Monday 13th at 6pm LA // 9pm NYC. This will occur via zoom, and be fully recorded!

OG 2018 prices apply - payment plan available! 

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All Katrina Ruth products are non-refundable due to the extreme value of our content. Back yourself to buy things you believe in and know in your GUT are right for you! 
Copyright © 2022 The Katrina Ruth Show